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Automobilista 2 V1.3.3.0 RELEASED - Now updated to V1.3.3.1

Discussion in 'Automobilista 2 - News & Announcements' started by Renato Simioni, Feb 1, 2022.

  1. Potvinsuks

    Potvinsuks New Member

    Jan 3, 2022
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    Thank you so much for this post!

    I unfortunately, didn't know about the new AMS 2 Update until right after I installed the new NVIDIA 511.65 Driver last night.

    Then of course, upon installing the new AMS 2 Update I ran into CTD issues on my VR Headset and being that I had just installed two new files I knew I was in for it in trying to decipher the issue.

    Then I see that there is another Update this morning and I'm like, okay the issue must be within the new AMS 2 Update and I was frantically sifting through the thread to gather information and then I saw your post. Thank you for saving me alot of time.
  2. Tarmac Terrorist

    Tarmac Terrorist Well-Known Member AMS2 Club Member

    Apr 16, 2020
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    Hi folks, just cherping in quickly as times a thing. After the update the cars with the driveline elasticity added feel great, especially the Mini JCW. Im very impressed as well that i can now burn out the clutch! AMS2 now has I think by far the best/most advanced transmission damage implimentation of any of the sims I use! (aside from iracing which I can't comment on as its the one ive still yet to try). I took out a few of the cars that have had this implimented and did a lap round Road America (the track feels real good so far btw) whilst riding the clutch like crazy (holding it about halfway in) and reving to full in all gears. Sure enough, I burnt it to a crisp and could hardly get any drive after a lap of that nonsense! (how ever I do find it odd that its only certain cars, for instance the new Carts & Retros this does'nt happen on, and they're brand new, whats that all about? I've not really had the time to fully check out the A.I. but so far, side by side around corners, they do seem to have evolved in there intelligence (yes I know, its not true intelligence, its A.I., but aint got the time for a full debate about sentient conciousness just now lol!).

    So thats the good stuff, however I am gunna just quote myself here, this is part of a post I made before the update:

    So this is still exactly the same! This I feel is really important and should be fixed ASAP, you just cant have cars in a sim that have this sort of issue with the tires, this is a biggy! Now I hav'nt had time to see if its just the GT1's that have this problem, I will endevour to test more, but if any one finds this with other cars, please make it known, as will I if i find any.

    Anyway, thats all from me for now. Cheers Reiza! As always, loving your work!!!
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  3. CrimsonEminence

    CrimsonEminence Custom Title Staff Member AMS2 Club Member

    Nov 4, 2018
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    Yes it's on the map!

    Regarding clutch damage and expanding on driveline stuff it's something that needs proper research and reasonable behaviour, so it takes a while to cover all cars with it. It's a bit like with the driveline elasticity. Eyeballing it without proper knowledge base in what to do with it can lead to unwanted results. That's why it is "soft-released". :)
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  4. Fernando

    Fernando Active Member

    Mar 11, 2016
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    Thanks Crimson. I have doubts about the bolded text. In my experience doing long races, AI performance seems not affected, or very little in comparisson to the player tough. The same happens with brake wear over long races.

    All of this makes a very unbalanced and unfair race weekend for the player at a given AI % difficulty setting, because the player needs to use lower boost, early shifts and look after the brakes to avoid severe wear in the race, which results in a far slower pace, while AI posts qualy lap times lap after lap for the whole race.

    That's my main problem with AMS2 at this moment, I hope the dev team can take a look at it somewhere in the near future.
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  5. Tarmac Terrorist

    Tarmac Terrorist Well-Known Member AMS2 Club Member

    Apr 16, 2020
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    I thought that may be the case, but even just with this initial implimentation, you can colour me impressed! Things like this will make long races so interesting, I love it!

    Also thanks so much for letting me know the tire fix is getting sorted, thats made my day. In the mean time, I don't suppose you know of any other affected cars? Its just so i know to avoid using them in sessions with wet weather, just for the moment, until they get fixed.

    I really do love the damage system in this sim, and the cause and effect that this sim demonstrates in all sorts of whay, really blows my tiny little mind sometimes! Cheers!
  6. CrimsonEminence

    CrimsonEminence Custom Title Staff Member AMS2 Club Member

    Nov 4, 2018
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    Not of the top of my head right now, but i also found the difference between wets and slicks in some cases to be too little, even if the wet is actually faster. (also driving behaviour wise sometimes)

    We'll get there for sure!

    It has to be seen, why that is and i definetly will have an eye on that in testing! It can be related to several reasons though and doesn't need to be necessarily the wear. Lots of factors interacting.
    Thanks for the heads up, though!
    • Like Like x 2
  7. Redvaliant

    Redvaliant Well-Known Member

    Apr 4, 2020
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    loving the 1983 cars. Are we going to get the long hoped for cockpit turbo boost adjustment? Also, a boost guage on the dashboard for the 83 and 86 cars would be welcome.
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  8. GodzillaGTR

    GodzillaGTR Well-Known Member AMS2 Club Member

    Feb 4, 2017
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    Another really solid step forward with a lot of cars improving, quite a few of which I would put toe to toe with any sim out there. The GTE, GT4 are getting better all the time, the Cup car is just amazing, Group A make more sense now and are more in line with other sims and the F Retro Gen 1 certainly improved a lot for me as well. Putting these cars through the many conditions AMS2 simulates is just pure joy and I have a couple custom seasons going on with fantastic racing with the ai. Things are really coming together and this game is worth every penny I paid in early access. I will continue to support Reiza and the content they produce. I even bought the game twice for both my Steam accounts. The GT3 cars are still pretty meh and I rank them near the bottom compared to other sims.

    There is one area though that I am not enjoying. Basically any openwheel car "newer" than the Gen2 Retro feels just terrible to drive. There just seems to be way too much grip, especially initially where you can flick the cars in to a corner and they make these sharp turns with ease like they are all go-karts or a game of Tron. The Caddy dpi also kind of does it but not so badly I can't enjoy it. The "stages" of grip in the openwheel cars I mention feel too jarring. You have 3 stages: 1. An incredible amount of initial grip 2. Tires sliding where the change from 1. is so drastic that it feels like you hit a tiny patch of ice, then 3. Re-grip, where it feels like your tires turn to superglue instantly. The transition of these 3 in some cars doesn't feel right to me.
    • Agree Agree x 5
  9. Xblurone

    Xblurone Member AMS2 Club Member

    Sep 1, 2020
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    Hi. Let me chime in as well. I have the same problem. Previously I had set the world movement to 10 and everything else on zero and that gave a little horizon movement when on daytona and Italy old track. But now with the new g-force setting they don’t seem to take effect at all whether set to 0 or 100%. What I am trying to achieve is the natural behavior in a car. If the car is bouncing I can see that but since I am focused on the horizon that one should be still. Now the horizon is bouncing up and down and really making me nauseating. I have to stop as well after a race on Nurburgring combined in any car. Legacy on or off doesn’t seem to do anything. Released notes say something about a profile but I can’t find that setting anywhere.
  10. Roy Niessink

    Roy Niessink Well-Known Member AMS2 Club Member

    Mar 27, 2020
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    Any changelog for the 391mb update that just dropped?
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  11. Renato Simioni

    Renato Simioni Administrator Staff Member

    Feb 14, 2016
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    V1.3.3.1 is now live - this is a hotfix to complement yesterday´s release.

    V1.3.3.1 CHANGELOG:
    • Fixed excessive helmet cam wobbling
    • Adjusted FFB for all FWD cars, karts, F-Reiza & BMW M8
    • Adjusted F-Retro Gen3 AI start performance
    • Adjusted F3 AI rolling resistance
    • Road America: Various updates to trackside objects; Added "The Bend" layout; minor AI adjustments
    • Fixed missing Reynard 98i Toyota
    • F-Retro Gen2: Fixed tire texture bug
    • F-USA (both gens): Added damage/dirt texture; Updated rain tire texture
    • Reynard 2Ki: Added gold wheels to #26 and #27 liveries
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  12. CrimsonEminence

    CrimsonEminence Custom Title Staff Member AMS2 Club Member

    Nov 4, 2018
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    Try legacy head movement off, and the head movement slider to 80-90. It could be, that there was an inverted working method for the slider pre-update. Just for testing.

    Also add maybe 10 vertical g-force effect.
  13. Tarmac Terrorist

    Tarmac Terrorist Well-Known Member AMS2 Club Member

    Apr 16, 2020
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    Quick on the draw there, but im pretty sure ive just got yet another of 263.7mb, two hotfix'es that quick, i must be mistaken???
  14. Carlosfr

    Carlosfr New Member

    Mar 21, 2021
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    can someone tell me how to disable the movements of the cabin? I'm going crazy and I can't
    Thank you
  15. CrimsonEminence

    CrimsonEminence Custom Title Staff Member AMS2 Club Member

    Nov 4, 2018
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    Do you mean the cockpit moving around you? Go to 0 with the head movement slider. Also G-Force Effects to 0.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  16. Carlosfr

    Carlosfr New Member

    Mar 21, 2021
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    ok gracias
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  17. oez

    oez Mayor of Long Beach AMS2 Club Member

    Aug 27, 2020
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    To add to what Crimson said, the feature is tipping its toes in different types of cars if you consider that list. They use a variety of heating and damage models. For example Camaro SS is using a more typical organic clutch while the McLaren F1 LM has a carbon clutch. This affects how easy it is to burn and how fast it wears at high RPM stress if abused. In real life it's also a balance between lower driveline inertia, daily drive comfort, weird noises and money.

    Furthermore carbon clutches bite a bit more as they heat up so the initial reaction to slip is actually less slip. So if you practice launches in F-Reiza, F-V10s, F-V12 or F-Ultimate, this is good to keep in mind.

    I am not surprised that you would notice and test it :)
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  18. Ochilbaz

    Ochilbaz Active Member

    Mar 27, 2020
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    As much as I really enjoy this game the latest update has left me with a banging sore head when racing in vr. Tried what some have suggested but makes no difference.
    Love the game but it’s 2 steps forward and 1 step back for me unfortunately

  19. F2020

    F2020 Active Member

    Apr 1, 2020
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    Absolutely love the camera movement thing, i've been driving in vr in the indycars and they are awesome with the new movement, you can really feel the car move around under you, GREAT WORK!
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  20. Tarmac Terrorist

    Tarmac Terrorist Well-Known Member AMS2 Club Member

    Apr 16, 2020
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    Er I can, the brand new cars! Seriously I just did some testinng @ Road America in the brand spanking new Indycars, its the story! I was gunna run a race with the new Indycars and thought id use changing weather, so I thought I'll just run a test, just incase. Wet track and rain, damnit if im not seconds faster on hard slicks than wets, and these are brand new, how did this ever get through testing?
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