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Automobilista 2 V1.3.4.0 RELEASED!

Discussion in 'Automobilista 2 - News & Announcements' started by Renato Simioni, Mar 7, 2022.

  1. farcar

    farcar Well-Known Member

    Mar 10, 2016
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    I'd like to see this fixed as well, and am interested to understand where some of these known annoyances sit in the priorities list.

    I feel at this point AMS2 could benefit from a month or 2 of focus on fixes like this one, and other QOL improvements*.

    * right after Spa Historic is released of course! Oh and Nürburgring Historic! Oh, and...
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  2. Kro

    Kro Active Member AMS2 Club Member

    Aug 29, 2020
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    Hey Roy, will this file work with the emperor server manager? We had an issue in our last league race where a few guys got dropped after Q so I restarted the server & wanted to advance session right to race using the API but it did not work, i would click advance session & it would blink for a sec but no advance. :rolleyes:o_O strange because I had tested the API earlier that day with just me on the server and it advanced fine, but with all the players on the server it did not. Then I decided to just restart the server again from the API it did & we all got kicked but also the API went to a new address with a blank page?? lol, I had to then re-open the API web address to get back to the API & menus o_O:rolleyes:.....
  3. Roy Niessink

    Roy Niessink Well-Known Member AMS2 Club Member

    Mar 27, 2020
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    Yes, it will work, we use the emperor software on our server, just change the webfiles setting from within the emperor server config file, restart the server, and through the api this should work then
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  4. Tim Driscoll

    Tim Driscoll New Member

    Jun 9, 2021
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    100% agree. At the very least stop releasing paid DLC until the core game has some of these issues hammered out.

    Like I said. I like this sim a lot! I can't wait to see the career mode whenever that happens, super excited by the possibilities... I just want to see a bit more polish. Attention to detail maybe a better way to word it? I don't know.
    • Agree Agree x 11
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  5. Kevin del Campo

    Kevin del Campo Active Member

    Feb 7, 2021
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    Ubisoft did this back in the day for Rainbow Six Siege.
    Instead of putting out new content they focussed on fixing existing issues for a whole season.

    At first players were slightly critical but in the end it definitly helped the playerbase stay for years to come. Theyre in their sixth year now which is pretty crazy for an fps, especially a tactical shooter like r6.

    I would love for Reiza to focus on polishing this game. I feel it would add so much to the experience and imo it would make existing players stick around and new players not discard the game right away…

    Operation Health | Seasons | Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Siege | Ubisoft (AU)
    • Agree Agree x 8
  6. VFX Pro

    VFX Pro Well-Known Member AMS2 Club Member

    Mar 31, 2017
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    Stopping paid DLC would impact their cash flow, risking the business. I would rather have this QOL focus for 1 month instead. Basically, take 1 full month and only do QOL centric release focusing on small issues/details to give an extra coat of "polish". (People create asset/game content continue as usual)
    Last edited: Mar 14, 2022
    • Agree Agree x 2
  7. steelreserv

    steelreserv Well-Known Member Staff Member AMS2 Club Member

    May 25, 2020
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    I don't see how laying off the track designers, car modelers and the physics team for a month would improve QoL any faster.
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  8. sgsfabiano

    sgsfabiano Well-Known Member AMS2 Club Member

    Oct 28, 2019
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    Since any new addition is likely to bring bugs with it, by not bringing anything new one could possibly reduce the efforts on polishing out what already is there without worrying if the new addition will impact the QoL.

    But yeah, different pipelines and stuff. In the end might be same QoL progress, but no new content - so it becomes a lose-lose situation.

    What people usually advocate is that we crave for faster QoL rather than content. Content is coming pretty fast, while QoL is (naturally?) much much slower.
  9. McClutch

    McClutch Well-Known Member

    Jan 30, 2021
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    I would guess the majority of us has paid already 1-2 years ago.
    Last edited: Mar 14, 2022
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  10. Kevin del Campo

    Kevin del Campo Active Member

    Feb 7, 2021
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    Let me preface this by saying Im no programmer :D, so Im not sure if this is even viable but Ill give it a shot.

    Physics team could focus on existing (known) issues, like brakes not working properly, grip issues etc.
    Also at high speeds turns I can just huck the steering wheel full swing and the car will powerslide through corners in ways that imo are fairly unrealistic.
    What Im trying to say is this games physics are surely not perfect and I would love they work on that instead of a new retro f1 car that drives just slightly different than the previous or following models.

    You could have the car modelers work on removing static steeringwheels that remain on the dash even when you turn them off in the menus so I dont have to look at two steeringwheels while Im simracing.
    These wheels also block the dashboards making it impossible to read out the gauges sometimes.
    Details on cars is also something that comes to mind when comparing to other sims.

    Track designers can just keep modelling tracks tho, as Im sure it takes more than a few months to even model one :D
    Last edited: Mar 14, 2022
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  11. Bull Shark

    Bull Shark "Later has already begun." AMS2 Club Member

    Jun 30, 2019
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    ? Really.
    The game looks good play’s good feels good. Of course there is room for improvement. We wouldn’t be humans if we don’t chase improvements. :D
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  12. VFX Pro

    VFX Pro Well-Known Member AMS2 Club Member

    Mar 31, 2017
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    ???? Who's talking about laying anyone off? I'm talking about the software developer fixing the small stuff for 1 month (1 sprint or 2 sprints). Any assets people should continue doing what they are doing.
  13. steelreserv

    steelreserv Well-Known Member Staff Member AMS2 Club Member

    May 25, 2020
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    Like content?
    • Funny Funny x 4
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  14. newtonpg

    newtonpg Active Member AMS2 Club Member

    Dec 29, 2018
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    My opinion is that Reiza must do their job the way they love to do. Period.
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  15. Kevin del Campo

    Kevin del Campo Active Member

    Feb 7, 2021
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    @SaxOhare Those are really great arguments you just made to be fair.
    Cant really argue with that.
    Last edited: Mar 14, 2022
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  16. steelreserv

    steelreserv Well-Known Member Staff Member AMS2 Club Member

    May 25, 2020
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    There has been this developing narrative over the past few months stemming from the incorrect assumption that because things are not always being communicated the way some people like (due in part to reasons Renato himself has tried to explain), development in certain areas isn't happening. Its simply not the case.

    Take a look at the changelogs. One line of which may take a member on the team months/weeks/days to investigate, work out, test, implement only to have an unfortunate side effect pop up.

    So somebody can say "fix the brakes" on the forums, that's great. If all the brakes in the game aren't "fixed" the next update, that person might then say "why haven't they fixed the brakes?". That's an understandable reaction. But the answer isn't to assume that no one on the development side is interested in the subject or that the brakes aren't being looked at at all.

    The dev cycle is in full swing Kevin, everything is being looked at and the MAN will get us there.

    For brake or grip issues, I'd suggest doing anything you can think of setup or hardware settings wise so the cars feel better to you. brake pressure, camber, tire pressure, watching tire temps, brake sensitivity...whatever it takes. In my experience, this can solve a big portion of drivability concerns or get them close(r). If not, time will tell.
    • Agree Agree x 2
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  17. Kro

    Kro Active Member AMS2 Club Member

    Aug 29, 2020
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    One might think you would need to get all the content in the game before they can start to "fix" things, why spend all this valuable time fixing things that the next DLC, psxy update, tire modification ect.. has a chance to break? You will forever be chasing bugs = rinse repeat for no net gain for time spent. My take is the games only in 1.4.0, we support it and get to enjoy it as it develops. It was never stated anywhere that the game is a 'finished product' it's a WIP project of passion from the Reiza team. I do get it that player's want it fixed & want it now but its software and a beast of a code so it kind of dictates how things go :rolleyes:
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  18. Kevin del Campo

    Kevin del Campo Active Member

    Feb 7, 2021
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    Cheers, appreciate the anwser.
    I have no doubt they are working hard behind the scenes.

    The question was if it would be a good id to pause certain aspects, like new content, in order to fix issues were dealing with as users right now.
    It reminded me of what Ubisoft did and how it arguably saved their game. Not saying AMS2 needs saving, I just personally value getting these things fixed over new content. Mainly because we already have so much good content to pick from.
    And like I said, I dont even know if it works like that in this situation. Its just an id that I saw work somewhere else.

    And Ive been trying to dial in my HE Ultimates but I still find it hard to get them to a point where they dont lock up out of nowhere…
    I can manage this in most other sims, and in some cars in AMS2 but not in others.

    I thought I read on here this has to do with tyre physics(?) and not so much with the hardware, but thats definitly not a hill Im willi g to die on…

    Im a big fan of this sim, with all its imperfections.
    Whatever the devs decide i will (hopefully) continue to support it for a long time, but I hope to at least provide some constructive criticism as well.
    Last edited: Mar 14, 2022
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  19. Tim Driscoll

    Tim Driscoll New Member

    Jun 9, 2021
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    I'm a software engineer. I understand 'Bugs' and I respectfully reject the idea that you would need to have all the content included before you begin to fix things that are wrong. As far as "beast of a code goes" this is exactly why you fix issues NOW. Because that code is only going to grow... and grow... and grow... OOP uses Hierarchy in classes to make coding easier. You need to get these things right early in the coding process or it becomes harder and harder to implement changes later.

    Just to reiterate... I do like this sim. I don't want to just jump on the forums and bash it, or treat other badly. So, again... respectfully, I disagree with your take on this one.
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  20. kkdrummer

    kkdrummer Well-Known Member AMS2 Club Member

    Jun 25, 2016
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    This. Plus the income that Reiza needs to keep their staff employed and keep the game going. We are not talking about EA or Ubisoft here. They can put game development on hold, change their strategies etc and keep their business going. Reiza is a really small team in charge of a game I really love, so a bit of patience and understanding would benefit everyone here.
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