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Automobilista 2 V1.4.1.0 Released - Now Updated to V1.4.1.3

Discussion in 'Automobilista 2 - News & Announcements' started by Renato Simioni, Aug 27, 2022.

  1. reptilexcq

    reptilexcq Active Member

    Jun 5, 2021
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    Yeah, I noticed the stiffness in the wheel in particular to the Formula V10 gen 1&2 and Ultimate Formula Gen 1&2...and I had to change the FFB gain from 58 to 50 and I think it feels about right. Before, it was hard to fight against the wheel. I do like driving a resistant wheel than a loose one because you feel more of the pavement and that's very important. But definitely not too hard.
    • Informative Informative x 1
  2. SaxOhare

    SaxOhare Well-Known Member AMS2 Club Member

    Mar 10, 2016
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    I still have a lot of setups in my tuningsetups folder, will all obsolete setups be deleted automatically now?
    Or should I delete them manually? If so than this "change" forces me in deleting setups manually for the first time
    (I find it very unfortunate that I can no longer view the old setups if only as a reference :()

    Will changes to cars that make setups obsolete be announced well in advance?
    Then I can save some settings by taking screenshots. It would be very nice if we could export the setups to a text file.
  3. BB36

    BB36 New Member AMS2 Club Member

    Mar 11, 2016
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    I haven't driven trucks in a while, but when I tried it today I found the force feedback made my Simucube 2 Pro lurch left and right violently when driving on anything but a straight line, making it hard to drive.

    For example when I turn left, the wheel violently turns left until I wrestle it back to center. The same when I turn right.

    I use the same FFB and DD settings for every car in AMS2 for months and it today seems to work fine for everything except trucks.

    Is there a separate, lower FFB or DD settings I should be using for trucks?
  4. Roy Niessink

    Roy Niessink Well-Known Member AMS2 Club Member

    Mar 27, 2020
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    Try lowering ffb gain in the car setup menu
  5. laekwondo

    laekwondo Member AMS2 Club Member

    Oct 16, 2021
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    After 1.4 setups are now saved in a different folder called "vehiclesetups", it is in the same place as tuningsetups folder
    • Agree Agree x 1
  6. Joaquim Pereira

    Joaquim Pereira Well-Known Member

    Dec 31, 2021
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    Thanks for your input.

    About FFB - that's why I report this. I used Default+ and several customs (now with Daniel's v42, with some adaptations for my personal taste). The true is I feel front loading under cornering with other sims way better than with AMS2.
    It's not just me, I can post several YT'ers videos with the same "problem" (most call it "floaty" effect, but I think we're talking about teh same thing)
    It's up to the developers to find out why, it's up to us to report.
    Many found initial FFB to be good, until Default+ came out. I'm waiting for a "Default++" to have diferent parameter that mimic what I need to feel better. All other favours should remain available.

    About Physics - the "test" I described is about when the car looses the rear end (not about other circunstances). The behaviour is different from others sims and my personal, real cars, experience. I only experience this with front mounted engines; with rear mounted ones, the effect should be even worst - pendulum effect + hot/low grip tyres.
    This is a limit situation, but the roots/causes can influence car behaviour overall.

    Again, I've been almost exclusivelly racing AMS2 since january this year, I'm pretty used to AMS2 behaviour, is not lack of commitment. I usually need AI at 110-120% to have a competitive race.
    Is just more obvious when I go to others sims where, although very different from each other, they have the same basic natural/physics.

    Forgot to say (and it's very important): I have TS-PC wheel base and T-LCM pedals
    • Agree Agree x 1
  7. Avoletta1977

    Avoletta1977 Well-Known Member AMS2 Club Member

    Mar 12, 2016
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    tested again after the updates and actually both 2002 and C3-R are improved.

    2002 in my opinion is still a bit too slidey, but reasonable.
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  8. Oubaas

    Oubaas Active Member

    Nov 7, 2016
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    Great video, Billy! Thanks for sharing it. :)
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  9. Oubaas

    Oubaas Active Member

    Nov 7, 2016
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    My pleasure, Tiago! It's a good combination. You can lean hard on the Passat at Taruma, and it just takes it with a smile. The Caterham Superlight is a lot of fun at Taruma as well.

    If that all starts feeling too sedate, try the GT Open class Ultima GTR at Guapore. :)
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  10. James Lee GTE

    James Lee GTE Active Member

    Mar 30, 2020
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    I’m on DD2 and on my wheel base settings, I have DPR turned off and on zero. Try that and tinker with in game settings from there. All your other wheel settings are very similar to mine. I remember reading default + and DD wheel bases keep DPR on zero and let in game settings take care of it for you.
    I have time today to re tinker with my FFB because it has changed from what I remember when I last played it in the June update. If I come up with anything that feels more connected, I’ll post it on here.
    I lose FFB and my wheel goes light and elastic bandy during low speed and low downforce corners, That’s when I have no connection with the car. It’s like my front wheels are not there and it feels like my DD motor has been replaced with rubber bands. I’ve only tested the Porsche GT3 and the BT44, but I have seen others on this forum mention the Caterham being floaty.
    I might even try standard default flavour today too.
    I Need to feel those front tyres again!
    Last edited: Aug 29, 2022
  11. Kim

    Kim Mr. Andersen in SIM AMS2 Club Member

    Jan 28, 2020
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    Hi Joaquim Pereira
    This is developer settings to thrustmaster T-GT - TS-PC.
    In the controle panel the settings is from the top overall strengs of all forces 75/100/100/100/100%.

    In game: Default+ Gain 75/LFB 10/FX 50/Damping 50.
    T-GT should be "similar in strength" as the TS-PC (afaik both have "turbo" power supply).

    I have the T300 RS and this is my settings
    controle panel: Gain 75/Constant 100/Periodic 100/Spring 100

    In game: Default+ Gain 74/LFB 9/FX 47/Damp 47
    been using since the default+ got introduced and been happy with the feel of the ffb
    hope it helps.
    Last edited: Aug 29, 2022
    • Informative Informative x 1
  12. deadly

    deadly Well-Known Member

    Jul 8, 2016
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    F_USA, all Gens:

    The chassis for Superspeedway and Short Ovals are completely undriveable to me. Car is just sliding around all the time. Of course, the AI with their simplified physics have no problems at all and drive circles around me even if I lower their strenght dramatically.

    Unfortunately, one of those cars is now also in use at Jacarepagua Oval, where I used to be MUCH faster with the standard chassis.

    The one for Speedways like Daytona is ok. There I compete the same way I am used to do compared to the AI.

    So, for me, Fontana, Gateway and Rio are absolutely undriveable with these cars. Will not buy the next US Racing Pack if it keeps being like that.

    Please give us the opportunity to chose a certain chassis or improve the driveability of the ones for SS and SO.
    Last edited: Aug 29, 2022
  13. Seb02

    Seb02 Well-Known Member

    Mar 12, 2022
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    Reiza knows. A hotfix will ne deployed later toi correct this. No need to get upset IMO.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  14. Richirichi

    Richirichi Member

    Apr 29, 2021
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    Yes, i noticed the exact same issue with the Lotus 79. Massive understeer, & in this state it’s unfortunately undriveable. All of the other F1 vintage classes are in comparison good; it appears Reiza just got the Lotus 79 wrong, but it’s hopefully fixed with a quick patch.
    • Agree Agree x 1
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  15. reptilexcq

    reptilexcq Active Member

    Jun 5, 2021
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    Yeah, they're working on the USA all gens. Wet tires don't seem to work either...it's slipping all over the place.
  16. Maser V6

    Maser V6 Assume nothing._ Verify everything._Have fun AMS2 Club Member

    Mar 27, 2020
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    70 to 130 indicates to me something in the hotfix

    Mentioned because the steering ratio has never needed adj after a hotifx or update + the gain high level change to try and recover loss.
    Yes but not the steering ratio! (this end and never seen it mentioned)
    I am of course aware of the points in your post.
    The reason for mine is clear.
    Since the last hotfix for whatever the retro problem was. the ratio as well as Gain has gone awol in this car 79lotus. No other car so far is affected this end. In all the recent improvements this has not occured in any this end, gain yes and only slightly, but not almost half value. to have to go to 130 from 70 incar is not subtle and may indicate together with the changed ratio something else imo.
    @azaris Just a question have you had similar in the 79 with ratio and high loss of gain/ffb
    All will be resolved no doubt if not already.
    I will try car later. Classic gen 2 was tip top last night as a contrast.
    Last edited: Aug 29, 2022
  17. CatAstrophe05

    CatAstrophe05 The Andrea De Cesaris of simracing

    Jan 20, 2020
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    Weirdly it was good on the very first 1.4 release but a hotfix must've broken it
    • Agree Agree x 2
    • Informative Informative x 2
  18. CrimsonEminence

    CrimsonEminence Custom Title Staff Member AMS2 Club Member

    Nov 4, 2018
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    Their aero has an issue that sneaked in, we're on it.
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  19. CrimsonEminence

    CrimsonEminence Custom Title Staff Member AMS2 Club Member

    Nov 4, 2018
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    We're also aware about that and on that aswell.
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  20. Xela1


    Jul 2, 2020
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    As I m cooled down when it comes to limited available skins per class I wanna ask when the prepared shader-access (xml-file in override-folder) will be enable? @Renato Simioni @CrimsonEminence
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