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Automobilista 2 V1.6, IMSA Track Pack, Endurance Pt2 & Lamborghini DLCs RELEASED (V1.6.3.6 Live Now)

Discussion in 'Automobilista 2 - News & Announcements' started by Renato Simioni, Nov 29, 2024.

  1. Renato Simioni

    Renato Simioni Administrator Staff Member

    Feb 14, 2016
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    This is a legacy bug that has been there since forever and impacts mostly auto-rolling starts in some car / track combos from certain position. Fixing it requires rewriting rolling start logic which is on the taskboard but that is not an overnight job and not a particularly high priority for the time being. You should be able to largely mitigate the chances of it happening on the tracks where it does happen by simply running manual rolling starts

    As per above - the changelog clearly refers to the issue being mitigated, not fixed. A sample size of one isn´t going to be very representative, especially if it is around issues of AI multiclass racing on a track that has segments allowing for many cars to run 4-5 wide abreast funneling into where only 1-2 will fit. It tends to be an issue with real racing too.even if not quite to the current extent of the game.

    By now you should all be very aware of what AMS2 is and isn´t folks - it is a game with lots of content, lots of options and lots of features and that sort of design means it is always under constant maintenance, inevitably with some longer standing issues along with some that never gets resolved as an inherent result of the very ample territory it provides - it´s the "price of fredom" as far as this particular game is concerned.

    You can set yourself up for frustration by insiting on running a certain combo of car / track / settings that you already know currently has some issues; you can work with the software as it is and instead use any of the vast amount of permutations that do work rather well until the current issues are resolved or further improved on, or you can move on to whatever game does offer what you are looking for if this one isn´t it. By all means take the path your heart leads you on but please give the constant forum moaning and departure annoucements a rest as they aren´t really going to move the needle in any direction.
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  2. Beezer215

    Beezer215 Member

    Feb 3, 2021
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    Thank you Renato and team members for all the work you do. I for one am grateful and really appreciate what you're doing with AMS2.
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  3. SoloWingX

    SoloWingX Member

    Jul 3, 2016
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    Renato, I understand. But I am not trying multiclass Formula cars on a kart track. I am trying IMSA content on an IMSA track, arguably the most iconic IMSA track, where an IRL venue happened recently. I have been testing for hours, after every tiny update where some AI fixes were shown since 1.6. If anything should be a priority, yes, to even advertise the sim, this is it. And what makes me even more disappointed is that even though PC2 AI was not the best, this combination worked more or less flawlessly, so the engine is capable.

    You guys used to be the "released when it's ready" team, and I respect that, but it wasn't the case with this new AI. I have spent a lot of money, things that worked better in the past are now worse, I feel like I have the right to complain, especially since I also try to provide detailed feedback. Getting the IMSA license and having issues like these... I don't think freedom is a mitigating factor here. I criticized rF2 the same way when they released official paid Endurance content and the AI was unable to cope with it. I don't see why I should make an exception here. And believe me, I am doing it to push it to improve, because I want to have great offline experiences in AMS2.
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  4. AllocDK

    AllocDK Active Member

    Jun 22, 2024
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    Its funny this only just started with

    I got over 340 hours, about 150 of them are Daytona… I have never had this bug before…
    Last edited: Jan 30, 2025
    • Informative Informative x 1
  5. Kuku

    Kuku Flying Kiwi AMS2 Club Member

    Aug 30, 2020
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    340 hours isn’t a huge sample in respect to how long Ams2 has been around .
    and i can’t imagine you have spent all those hours only ever trying to start at the back in a Daytona race using auto rolling starts .

    There’s so much more you can do obviously, and like i said a couple of days ago , i couldn’t reliably get this issue in 20 attempts , so basically 90% of the time it worked . but at same time i don’t see the appeal of starting at the back and using Auto Rolling start anyway.
    because if the Ai is set at appropriate levels to your pace , you should still finish near the back …
    why not. mix it up a bit and do a qualifying or start mid pack ?
    Last edited: Jan 30, 2025
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  6. Renato Simioni

    Renato Simioni Administrator Staff Member

    Feb 14, 2016
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    I don´t think we ever had a "release when ready" approach, not least as one man´s "ready" is another´s "unfinished mess" ;) With AMS2 it is always been about the overall value, both of the game generally as well as the updates we deliver for it. Sometimes the value needs to be big in volume and spread, sometimes it´s good enough to be incremental but if we aim too high neither the game not its updates would ever see the light of day.

    We are well aware IMSA and the Daytona 24h is a especially premium content in the sim and that is one of the reasons we pushed to fast-track this update as we could see the issues were beyond allowing that particular race to be an enjoyable experience in v1.6.3.5; unfortunately just wanting to fix certain issues doesn´t mean we can in any arbitrary timeframe.

    The next best thing is to at least mitigate some of these on the shortest term possible, so that´s what we did - I personally ran several test runs over the weeend while performing these adjustments and had the AI run through the initial couple of laps relatively unscathed in many of them, while also having two 24h races scaled to 48min where the AI pitstop strategy was fairly competitive. Naturally I also had runs with lots of carnage into T1 or the Bus Stop and those remain issues to be further improved on, and that is what we will continue pushing for.

    So it goes back to the point of my previous post - as premium as the IMSA content is and as important as we all find for it to be working as well as it possibly can be made to work on every scenario, it doesn´t change the fact it is one combo out of literally thousands - as with any product one needs to take its good with its not-so-good at least until we manage to make it better; everyone is obviously very welcome to continue reporting on the persisting issues and we are certainly chasing to serve the segments of the userbase that aren´t quite seeing the glass half-full, but ramping up the intensity or the volume of the complaints isn´t going to move the needle wrt to how fast we can make the progress they want to see.
    Last edited: Jan 30, 2025
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  7. Marg

    Marg Active Member

    Dec 7, 2021
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    I will throw one thing, noone but me has noticed? Maybe Mr.Simioni reads this? I mean cars, which are + 1 lap down (because retired on the very last lap), are placed under cars which are +3 laps down (because those retired later, after being in the pits for 3 laps). These values like +1 lap and +3 laps down are correct, but place in standings is incorrect. + 1 L can never ever be below +3 laps...
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  8. AllocDK

    AllocDK Active Member

    Jun 22, 2024
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    Because it does not work after the update…..

    Oh and dont tell me how to play the game like i want…
  9. Renato Simioni

    Renato Simioni Administrator Staff Member

    Feb 14, 2016
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    Did read it many many times and it´s one of those egregious issues we have been eager to get on top of for the longest time. There is a recent lead on what´s at the root of it that one of the devs is already chasing but until it leads to a fix there is little we can say that is going to be of actual value.
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  10. Inkta

    Inkta Well-Known Member AMS2 Club Member

    Mar 27, 2016
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    One thing that I don't fully grasp regarding the AI lines is: Does the AI line take into consideration the type of car they're running or is it controlled by another parameter? I say that because Daytona bus stop is problematic specially with the GT3's, however if you try to run there in a F1 car the situation changes, the AI becomes very capable of navigating said turn, obviously because that particular chicane demands very high speed changes of direction which the AI struggles with in a GT car, however in a F1 car they don't.
    • Informative Informative x 1
  11. Kuku

    Kuku Flying Kiwi AMS2 Club Member

    Aug 30, 2020
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    I’m not
    i asked why you want to only do this ?
    especially because you suggested that because of this one specific occasionally occurring issue you can’t enjoy anything else in game and will have to abandon it .
    It’s hard to understand that view point.
    • Like Like x 3
  12. F_B

    F_B Well-Known Member AMS2 Club Member

    Apr 25, 2016
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  13. Xamantu

    Xamantu Member

    Apr 1, 2021
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    I don't recall what is the default option, but if it isn't already, maybe it might be interesting to set the default rolling start setting to manual while there isn't a fix. I had this issue in Daytona with GT3s last week and had to change it to manual, so I'm guessing automatic is the default one.
    • Useful Useful x 1
  14. SoloWingX

    SoloWingX Member

    Jul 3, 2016
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    Just out of curiosity, were these tests performed in multiclass scenario or single class? Generally I don't find many egregious problems in single class scenarios, but in multiclass. T1 wall hitting problems (which I never experienced pre happen when multiple classes meet, as well as Bus Stop exit problems. Bus Stop entry can be wild within a single class as well, but a couple accidents are "realistic" to have, so I don't mind until it gets too much. So from my experience the initial couple of laps have been fine pretty consistently, it's when we get to the first GT3s to lap, that things go wild.
    • Agree Agree x 2
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  15. Dady Cairo

    Dady Cairo "Son of Spartakus" and "Leisure Nostradamus" AMS2 Club Member

    Jun 12, 2017
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    Quick test Daytona IMSA preset MULTI 3 Classes.10 Laps 44 cars.AI 93 med agression AI mistakes x3 .In 10 Laps i had two FCY mostly spinning LMDH in T1.
    Last edited: Jan 31, 2025
  16. paddler

    paddler Active Member AMS2 Club Member

    Feb 29, 2020
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    This sounds like a secret code :p
    • Funny Funny x 2
  17. Dady Cairo

    Dady Cairo "Son of Spartakus" and "Leisure Nostradamus" AMS2 Club Member

    Jun 12, 2017
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    I, I went to hell and back
    To find myself on track
    I broke the code
    Oh, Oh, Oh
    Like ammonites
    I just gave it some time
    Now I found paradise
    I broke the code
    Oh, Oh, Oh:)
    • Funny Funny x 2
  18. TKracer

    TKracer Active Member

    Aug 16, 2021
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    Last edited: Jan 31, 2025
    • Funny Funny x 1
  19. chairel

    chairel New Member

    Dec 22, 2022
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    Very good response - every game will have ideocracies. But thank you for mitigating the Daytona RC issue. I had a few single class LMP2 races at Dayton RC where a T1 incident would happen after 1 or 2 green flag laps for the first half hour or so of the race. Then things would calm down and we'd stay green for the duration of the race. It may be a bug, but it also happens in real life. Several IndyCar races have had rocky starts where it took 2 or 3 early yellows for the knuckleheads to get knocked out and the real racing to emerge.

    Haven't had a chance to run with the new update, but appreciate the effort to address this.
  20. Turbo Granny

    Turbo Granny Well-Known Member

    Jun 29, 2022
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    One thing got my attention in the last fix:
    "Adjusted AI pitstop estimate losses & tire wear thresholds for all Endurance classes & F-USA oval variants so AI drivers in those classes are generaly less likely to find pitstops worthwhile until it is running low on fuel"
    But now I'm racing a GT1 race and got a full course yellow with safety car at the second lap, and good chunk of the AI found it a good idea to go for a pitstop, they just enter for a splash of fuel i imagine, having a full tank, why would they do it?
    @Renato Simioni

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