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FSR for OpenVR

Discussion in 'Automobilista 2 - General Discussion' started by NuScorpii, Jul 9, 2021.

  1. MickT

    MickT Active Member AMS2 Club Member

    Jun 5, 2021
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    As I understand it, there are some significant gains to be made using PimaxXR.

    WMR is indeed Windows Mixed Reality, and for headsets like the HP Reverb. Nothing to do with Pimax.
    To learn more about PimaxXR, start here: Pimax users: OpenXR is here! (unofficially)

    Discord links included there, but note, it's still under development, and Matt, the dev, is doing it for free. Take the time to read up on the subject from the links provided. If you have issues, check pinned posts, search the discord for similar and try to help people help you by being specific, learn how to locate the log files, and not post things like 'it doesn't work, please help' :)
    • Like Like x 1
  2. blanes

    blanes Member

    Apr 20, 2020
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    Thanks mate, Roger Wilco !
  3. DjFIL007

    DjFIL007 Active Member AMS2 Club Member

    Mar 9, 2016
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    UPDATE (after few days of testing): I've ended up having better results (also improved DR2.0 for me which I had lots of issues with) by using Jabbah / OpenComposite · GitLab instead. Really good to see workarounds available, worth trying both to find out what works best for you.

    Woah... how did I not stumble on this before. Odyssey+ with a 1080ti. I used to avoid night/rain races... but now I can run them (nearly lowest settings, 100% resolution, 0.77 render scale, 0.9 sharpness). At the most demanding (storm, 1am, long beach, full grid of gt4 cars) I'm now never going below 70 fps and only seeing 4-6% reprojection at race start, down to almost none after start of race when all cars bunched together. Before with this same race scenario it would had been occasionally below 60fps and avg 70, rarely if ever a full 90.
    Last edited: Jun 29, 2022
  4. Gazzawesty

    Gazzawesty Skunkedup AMS2 Club Member

    Mar 25, 2020
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    I do read this thread but it's all a bit confusing to me with all the headsets and the modes for playing vr. I'm sorry to ask, I have a rift s.. Should I be using this mod or parts of this mod or none of the mod at all?

    Thank you
  5. blanes

    blanes Member

    Apr 20, 2020
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  6. MickT

    MickT Active Member AMS2 Club Member

    Jun 5, 2021
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    You sure it's actually working, and not just reducing the render resolution? I haven't tried it for a while, but that's all that was happening last time I checked.
    Not working with AMS 2. · Issue #16 · fholger/vrperfkit
    If that's all that's happening, and you're happy with it, then don't bother with it, just reduce SteamVR SS.
  7. blanes

    blanes Member

    Apr 20, 2020
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    LoL :D no its working, I am a bit of a numpty but not totally stoopid !o_O

    I had tried the other OpenVR mod by compare and also the logs generated show it to be working.

    02:51:06 [7748] ======================
    02:51:06 [7748] VR Performance Toolkit
    02:51:06 [7748] ======================

    02:51:06 [7748] Current configuration:
    02:51:06 [7748] Upscaling (CAS) is enabled
    02:51:06 [7748] * Render scale: 0.8
    02:51:06 [7748] * Sharpness: 1.9
    02:51:06 [7748] * Radius: 0.6
    02:51:06 [7748] * MIP bias: enabled
    02:51:06 [7748] Fixed foveated rendering (VRS) is enabled
    02:51:06 [7748] * Inner radius: 0.6
    02:51:06 [7748] * Mid radius: 0.8
    02:51:06 [7748] * Outer radius: 1
    02:51:06 [7748] Debug mode is disabled
    02:51:06 [7748] Installing hook for LoadLibraryA from 00007FFFCCF304F0 to 00007FFF7E1BD390
    02:51:06 [7748] Installing hook for LoadLibraryExA from 00007FFFCCF2FBC0 to 00007FFF7E1BD500
    02:51:06 [7748] Installing hook for LoadLibraryW from 00007FFFCCF2FEE0 to 00007FFF7E1BD790
    02:51:06 [7748] Installing hook for LoadLibraryExW from 00007FFFCCF2ADC0 to 00007FFF7E1BD640
    02:51:06 [7748] d3d11.dll is loaded in the process, installing hooks...
    02:51:06 [7748] Installing hook for D3D11CreateDevice from 00007FFFC7190550 to 00007FFF7E19CBD0
    02:51:06 [7748] Installing hook for D3D11CreateDeviceAndSwapChain from 00007FFFC71906C0 to 00007FFF7E19D050
    02:51:06 [7748] LibOVRRT64_1.dll is loaded in the process, installing hooks...
    02:51:06 [7748] Installing hook for ovr_Initialize from 00007FFF5A2A2800 to 00007FFF7E19F230
    02:51:06 [7748] Installing hook for ovr_GetFovTextureSize from 00007FFF5A2A38C0 to 00007FFF7E19F140
    02:51:06 [7748] Installing hook for ovr_EndFrame from 00007FFF5A2A3C50 to 00007FFF7E19EFC0
    02:51:06 [7748] Installing hook for ovr_SubmitFrame from 00007FFF5A2A3D40 to 00007FFF7E19F4A0
    02:51:06 [7748] Installing hook for ovr_SubmitFrame2 from 00007FFF5A2A3E90 to 00007FFF7E19F320
    02:51:06 [7748] Oculus runtime initialization for version 3
    02:51:06 [7748] vrclient_x64.dll is loaded in the process, installing hooks...
    02:51:06 [7748] Installing hook for VRClientCoreFactory from 00007FFF68525F10 to 00007FFF7E1A4CD0
    02:51:06 [7748] OpenVR: requested interface IVRClientCore_002
    02:51:06 [7748] Installing virtual function hook for IVRClientCore::GetGenericInterface
    02:51:06 [7748] Installing virtual function hook for IVRClientCore::Cleanup
    02:51:06 [7748] OpenVR: requested interface IVRSystem_009
    02:51:06 [7748] Installing virtual function hook for IVRSystem::GetRecommendedRenderTargetSize
    02:51:06 [7748] OpenVR: requested interface IVRCompositor_009
    02:51:06 [7748] Installing virtual function hook for IVRCompositor::Submit
    02:51:06 [7748] OpenVR: requested interface IVROverlay_007
    02:51:06 [7748] IVRClientCore::Cleanup was called, deleting hooks...
    02:51:06 [7748] Removing hook to 00007FFF684BE180
    02:51:06 [7748] Removing hook to 00007FFF684BE0B0
    02:51:06 [7748] Removing hook to 00007FFF684F0F00
    02:51:06 [7748] Removing hook to 00007FFF684EC2F0
    02:51:06 [7748] Loading DLL at "C:\\Windows\\system32\\dxgi.dll"
    02:57:33 [7748] Shutting down

    I tried options FSR & CAS and preferred CAS as it looks a bit crisper and less artifacts.

    I run Normal FOV @ 150 Degrees. Native 75 hz and Render at 1.75 in Pitool with 28% Steam SS which gives me a total res of 4280 x 3656. In game I have AA High Bloom and Post FX On, Medium Reflections & Enviro, Ultra Car & Track, High & Ultra Particles, Low Shadows and player only pitcrew.

    It looks stunning in game and I have no motion smoothing on giving me solid 75 fps in day and dusk/dawn. Rain and night hits but I can drop SS if I want to race there.

    I find it incredible that this makes such a difference in AMS2 due to parallel projection on the Pimax being such ball tearer on FPS.

    VRperfKit v0.3 working with AMS2
    Last edited: Jun 28, 2022
    • Winner Winner x 1
  8. MickT

    MickT Active Member AMS2 Club Member

    Jun 5, 2021
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    Just had a bit more of a read of that log file, and I'm pretty sure it's not doing anything. It creates the hooks, then deletes them, before redirecting back to the standard system dxgi.dll.

    Anyway, if you say it's working and the hotkeys work, then who am I to tell you it isn't? :)
  9. blanes

    blanes Member

    Apr 20, 2020
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    Yeah I saw that too ... Okay maybe I am really crazy !!!? Is there any other way of checking ?
  10. MickT

    MickT Active Member AMS2 Club Member

    Jun 5, 2021
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    Do the hotkeys work? If they don't, then you can be pretty sure it's not running. Also, I think the debug mode is supposed to render a circle where the ffr radius is.

    You can then confirm that all it's done is reduce the resolution using fpsVR. settings->basic->detect resolution
  11. blanes

    blanes Member

    Apr 20, 2020
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    Yeah that is understood and I have now read more info about the topic and from the dev fholger who does not think it is working for Ans2. However there is feedback from various other users who like me, believe it is working more than a reduction in resolution. I they are mostly Oculus users, with a few pimax.

    I spent over 4 hours last night (Aussie time) racing same car/track combo, watching frametimes & fps via the fpsVR app. I ran laps between these 3 versions :-
    1. Standard Ams2 with no enhanced mods
    2. Original OpenVR v1.1 mod posted here
    3. fholger VRperfkit v0.3

    There is definitely, in my experience, a marked improve in image quality & clarity on the Pimax 8kx using version 3. Frametimes are really good at lows of 7 or 8 ms upto 10 or 11 with fps staying on 75 with some dips to 72. It will lower to 60's at start of races if night and/or rain.

    Version 1. frametimes are 15 to 18 ms and more with fps low 60's to 72 sometimes but varying alot. Version 2 is better than 1. in frametimes & fps but the image is noticeably lower quality.

    All of this is with no motion smoothing at all and the Steam SS resolution is staying locked across all 3 x version outlined above. I experimented changing the SS res up & down across the versions and the difference in frametimes & fps was consistent. I have no idea exactly what VRperfkit is doing but the gain in fps with such a nice image in vr is undeniable imho.

    One last observation, it is only with VRperfkit that Pams2spotter Radar does not show on screen, whatever that may indicate.

    So I hope other users can test this too using similar method.... or not, doesn't really matter as I am real happy with the result I found.

    But then.... maybe I am bucking crazy !!? ;)
    Last edited: Jun 28, 2022
  12. MickT

    MickT Active Member AMS2 Club Member

    Jun 5, 2021
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    It's an odd one given your observations, because according to the dev, the only difference should be the SS scale. Are you sure you're getting it matched the same when comparing? Usually best to ignore percentages and confirm the actual resolution (as I mentioned, you can use fpsVR for this).
    As far as pAMS2Spotter goes, I'm not too surprised it doesn't work - I think it also tries to use the same hooks as vrperfkit. Both are hacks, so you can't be too surprised if they don't play nicely together.
    If you're crazy, but happy, you're still happy.
    • Like Like x 1
  13. Baron Bob

    Baron Bob Member

    Oct 6, 2020
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    Could you please tell me what I am doing wrong? I can not get the VR Performance Toolkit working

    1. I download the zip file
    2. I copy dxgi.dll and vrperfkit.yml to H:\Steam\steamapps\common\Automobilista 2
    3. I start the game with steam and in steam VR mode

    But I see no change in FPS or quality
  14. Baron Bob

    Baron Bob Member

    Oct 6, 2020
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    Hi, the links "Latest version of OpenVR FSR working with AMS2 can be found here" and "You can get it here." are not working anymore.

    Also I am confused about what link I should use. I mean you begin with "Latest version of OpenVR FSR working with AMS2 can be found here" but then you talking about another OpenVR FSR tool. What is different or what would you recommend?

    Thanks in advance.
    Last edited: Oct 30, 2022
  15. Baron Bob

    Baron Bob Member

    Oct 6, 2020
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    Hi Retrolux, thanks for the advise. So just to make it clear I have to do the following:

    1. download from here Files · openxr · Campbell Suter (ZNix) / OpenComposite · GitLab the 64-bit openvr_api.dll to make OpenComposite (OpenXR) work
    2. download from here GitHub - fholger/vrperfkit: VR Performance Toolkit the VR Performance Toolkit
    3. rename dgxi.dll from VR Performance Toolkit to vrperfkit.asi
    4. download from here GitHub - ThirteenAG/Ultimate-ASI-Loader: ASI Loader is the tool that loads custom libraries with the file extension .asi into any game process. an ASI-Loader .dll (but which one?) and place it all in my steam AMS2 folder
  16. MickT

    MickT Active Member AMS2 Club Member

    Jun 5, 2021
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    Easier just to use OpenXR Toolkit with OpenComposite. It'll let you use FSR or NIS upscaling as well as FFR.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  17. Baron Bob

    Baron Bob Member

    Oct 6, 2020
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    Hi MickT,
    TY for the reply. Yesterday I finally got the the FSR from here
    FSR for OpenVR workining. Turned out I had put the files in the wrong folder since with AMS2 it is not the one with the .exe but the x64 directory.:rolleyes:

    I also got the Toolkit to work. But after a first look through the setting I enabled the setting "legacy menu" and now I can't see it anymore and also a reset of the settings don't work for me. A reinstall of the Toolkit did not solve the problem.
    If anybody knows in which file the settings from the Toolkit for AMS are saved I would try to delete it. But right now I am happy with the original FSR. I get now solid 90 FPS, except for the first lap, on any track and any condition at day.
  18. MickT

    MickT Active Member AMS2 Club Member

    Jun 5, 2021
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    You can enable safe mode in the OpenXR Toolkit Companion app. Then when you launch a game you'll have the opportunity to reset to default.
    All the settings are stored in the Windows Registry. Not recommended/supported if you go messing with stuff directly, but if you're comfortable working in the registry, the settings are at HKEY_CURRENT_USER\SOFTWARE\OpenXR_Toolkit\
  19. Baron Bob

    Baron Bob Member

    Oct 6, 2020
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    Reset did not work for me no matter what I tried. Even reinstall did not help. Perhaps because I use a wireless keyboard. But many thanks for the tip with the registry. I will try that.
  20. MickT

    MickT Active Member AMS2 Club Member

    Jun 5, 2021
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    You can also check the log file to see if it's actually running - %localappdata%\OpenXr-Toolkit\logs

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