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Logitech G29/G920/G27/G25 FFB Thread?

Discussion in 'Automobilista 2 - General Discussion' started by TekNeil, Apr 26, 2020.

  1. B Stu

    B Stu Active Member

    Mar 24, 2020
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    Have you tried the min force setting in custom ffb? Maybe thatll make a difference to centre deadzone.
  2. mrsmr2

    mrsmr2 Member

    Jan 31, 2017
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    I did, but it wasn’t as good as the 107%. But I didn’t test it for long so it’s on my list of things to go back to.

    What I wasn’t sure about what else was being changed by the custom file over the old and new in game options.
  3. B Stu

    B Stu Active Member

    Mar 24, 2020
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    Thats true. I think they`re adding min force as a slider in ffb settings so that should be more straightforward
  4. Cully

    Cully Active Member AMS2 Club Member

    Mar 8, 2016
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    So what settings you guys running with now after latest update, apparently close to final ffb.
  5. Touno71

    Touno71 Member

    Feb 29, 2020
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    For me gain 80, LFB 50, and FX 60 on Logitech G27... With that it's near perfection for me.
  6. B Stu

    B Stu Active Member

    Mar 24, 2020
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    A bit off topic. Anyway. I appreciate the simplicity of ffb setting in UI. But, I'm also curious wether scrub effect could have a separate setting? Personally I would rather it wasn't linked with engine vibration. No big deal though. Overall the improvements to ffb/ physics have been huge. Really impressed.
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  7. Peter Stefani

    Peter Stefani Active Member AMS2 Club Member

    Mar 3, 2020
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    @B Stu, I think they dis-associated the scrub from the engine vibe after the last update. If you make a Custom file you can adjust both of those values to your liking.
  8. B Stu

    B Stu Active Member

    Mar 24, 2020
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    I thought that was min force they added to custom file? I`ll look into that thanks )
    • Agree Agree x 1
  9. Peter Stefani

    Peter Stefani Active Member AMS2 Club Member

    Mar 3, 2020
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    Yeah, that too. But I find I don't need it (min Force) with these settings 93-10-25-1. It appears to me (and I could be wrong) that the LFB is sort of like the gamma adjust in the AC FFB, which boosts the center levels. AMS2 FFB tome, is feeling very much like my AC FFB set up, it's custom also. So, I'm happy with it for sure. My AC FFB level is also about 65%, and with a gamma boost, it feels great without clipping ever.
    Last edited: Mar 26, 2023
  10. B Stu

    B Stu Active Member

    Mar 24, 2020
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    Those settings are roughly where I am at the moment. I have found myself leaning towards a lower gain. Over 75 seems to add some unwanted forces for me. So upping the LFB does seem to add almost a bit of wieght and maybe smoothens out some spikes in the mid range. I almost sound like I know what im talking about). Needless to say further updates will require some more experimentation, which is fine. Oh the FX, sometimes I run that 0-50 sometimes 50-75. I`d rather not have to bother with any FX settings just now.
    • Useful Useful x 1
  11. Peter Stefani

    Peter Stefani Active Member AMS2 Club Member

    Mar 3, 2020
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    @B Stu Do you have the Load Cell for your G29 pedals? I got it a couple of months ago, what a huge difference!
  12. B Stu

    B Stu Active Member

    Mar 24, 2020
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    I don't no. But I'm keeping an eye on the Thrustmaster T-LCM pedals. Seem like a good product for the money.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  13. Stakanov

    Stakanov Well-Known Member AMS2 Club Member

    Feb 7, 2020
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    I report my experience with my G920 ... before the last update I could not have high GAIN, the behavior in these cases was very characterized by the pendulum effect, clipping and regardless of the steering, even if hard, it was little coherent and detailed ... the only way to avoid indiscriminate oscillations was to reduce it to about 60-70 ... to fill the center and the dead zone I used LFB at 80 as recommended for Logitech and the FX I set it between 50 -60 ... the result was enjoyable, but light, not very informative and with vibrations very disconnected from the road ... I did not feel the gum, and went behind the damper sensations.

    We get to version ...
    - in the LogitechHUB profile I leave everything at default 50-50-50 and I leave the spring active at 10% even if it doesn't matter because the game (if I'm not mistaken) should not use this setting while driving but only in the menus. Having said that, we arrive you have new settings
    - in the game all to default, only the brake at 35 of sensitivity (this greatly improves the feeling of braking on the pedal) ... and select New Profile ...
    Important: remember, if you have never done it before deleting the whole documents folder / motorist, do the calibration of the steering wheel again and in the menu before starting a race, to load the default car setting in order not to carry erroneous settings of previous versions of the game.
    - in the FFB menu, the GAIN now I can raise it up to a value of 88 without clipping on the car which has the hardest FFB (i.e. the Sprintrace) ... the LFB I can raise it up to 85 without having excessive distortions, on the contrary, so I can fill well the center and i don't have the dead zone ... the FX (which before did not raise more than 60 because it generated strange effects) now I can keep it at 75 and can give me a some engine and chassis vibrations without strange behavior. The only element that I can say feeling little is the scrub effect of the wheels on the asphalt but otherwise I now feel connected to the road both in the weight movements of the car and on the feeling that the wheels have on the asphalt

    So in summary I now happily use 88-85-75 ... these high values on the hardest car like FFB (the sprintrace) does not shake me and I am at the limit but without clipping and with excellent sensations very full ... the same settings, however, now allow me to still have decent information sensations on cars with the lighter FBB like the various Formula Gen1 -2 and 3 ... now I only hope for an increase in the tire scrub effect that seems to have been attenuated in the latest update ...

    Notes: I think the G920 is different from both the G29 and the G27 even if constructively very similar above all to the G29 ;-)
    Let me know how you are ... hello everyone and sorry for my english i use google translate!!
    Last edited: May 21, 2020
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  14. Peter Stefani

    Peter Stefani Active Member AMS2 Club Member

    Mar 3, 2020
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    Seems pretty good now, and if you want more scrub, you can add more in a Custom set up.
    • Like Like x 1
  15. Stakanov

    Stakanov Well-Known Member AMS2 Club Member

    Feb 7, 2020
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    I report what I wrote on the discussion of the last update, maybe you can help me ...

    "Logitech G920: I was very happy with the FFB in version ... very full, I felt the chassis, the weight transfer and the tires, the only thing I wanted increased was the scrub effect on the asphalt or the detail ... having said that, unfortunately, I have to say that the FFB in this new version I didn't like it at all, for some things it is more detailed (sliding and scrub), but unfortunately I don't feel this fullness at the center ( indeed it seems to me much less full), the excessive (hateful) swing has returned, I feel this strange pendulum effect (I fight with the weight of the car), I lost feeling especially in braking and strangely every time I block violently after a long straight, the car turns even if I steer a few degrees and I don't recover it anymore ... I have the feeling of having a mule that pushes me out of the corner, and counter-steer the problem it catapults to the other side ...

    I deleted the documents folder, I put back the settings of before, I loaded the profile and the default settings, I entered the same FFB values (I also looked for other combinations), but I can't find the balance anymore, ... I don't know if you have the same problems as me ... I will try again tomorrow, but I don't think it's me that doesn't work, I was upset ...

    Car Sprinteace, Circuit VIR, GAIN 88 LFB 85 FX70
    Same feeling on other cars and other circuits "
  16. Ashaz

    Ashaz Member

    May 2, 2020
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    If this is representative of the final product, I am very dissapointed.
    All I am getting on my G920 is an extremely dampened vibration. No transients what so ever. it doesn't give me any real information through the wheel. You can see it on the telemetry curve aswell. it's all smooth lines. no transients at all.

    Anyone have an updated custom config I could test cause this default is trash.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  17. Stakanov

    Stakanov Well-Known Member AMS2 Club Member

    Feb 7, 2020
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    With reference to the Logitrch G920, I am concerned that this modified FFB in version is the basic version on which to make future improvements ... if it remains so, I don't think it can improve by adding only the effects, because it seems defective in the starting point ... I would not like to return to the nightmare of PC2, where I played for months and months, not to do racing with cars, but to find modified FFB files that would solve the oscillation defects never resolved until the end (in that case, the only solution were the Jackspade file which partially solved the defects of the basic version).

    From the first comments, I see some with the G27 who seem happy with this version, I have not yet seen particularly positive comments on the G29 (without using custom files), but regardless of this, please Reiza to check what has changed on the Logitech G920 from version 0.9 .2.1 to version, the previous version could be, in my humble opinion, an excellent starting base at 90%, but the latter, if it remains the definitive one to refine, worries me a lot ... even today, I tried everything again the possible and I can not have any driving pleasure ... I do not say to criticize, I only have a lot of hope in you Reiza and Mr. Simioni!!!
    Thanks in advance ....
    • Agree Agree x 1
  18. cuadolo

    cuadolo Active Member

    Apr 8, 2020
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    Hi all!
    I'm always at search of a good FFB with G27.
    With the last update seems no great improvement. Maybe it's my settings, maybe it's a old wheel.
    Reading other forum's section FFB dedicated, Fanatec owner are happy!
    Someone realized a custom FFB setting. Just downloaded and I will try even it isn't specifically for G27.
    The FFB,at this point, is too much heavy on some cars and too much light on some other.
    Scrub effects, track effects, brake effects are hiding at the moment
    Hope come that " FFB per car setting" so we can be more comfortable with.
    There's anyone so talented with structure files of PCARS2 that can try to give a good FFB settings file for G27?
    Many thx!
    Anyway AMS2 is a beautiful, growing up, sim!:):):)
  19. Stakanov

    Stakanov Well-Known Member AMS2 Club Member

    Feb 7, 2020
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    I resolving the anomaly on my Logitech G920 (with the update to version, tweaking with the parameters I got very close to the FFB of version in this way:
    - FX now to hear it I have to put it higher, even 80-90 (previously 65-75 was enough);
    - LFB before it was 80-85 now to fill it with sensations I have to put it at 90-95;
    - GAIN (which I previously kept at 88 as a limit) now, however, I must keep it at 80, otherwise clipping occurs (probably due to the increase of the other values).

    Then 80-90(+/-5)-85(+/-5) ... ;)

    I always test with the Sprintrace (which has a very strong FFB) on the VIR International circuit and then on the Ibarra circuit, the only thing that annoys me compared to version is the steering center, which is not full as before and fluctuates a few degrees in empty and then suddenly take (dead zone) ... but now it is on the way to an acceptable and drivable curve.
    Last edited: May 25, 2020
  20. Clippy2020

    Clippy2020 New Member

    May 25, 2020
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    I can't feel road surface very clearly regardless of settings, is it even possible?

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