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Logitech G29/G920/G27/G25 FFB Thread?

Discussion in 'Automobilista 2 - General Discussion' started by TekNeil, Apr 26, 2020.

  1. TomP

    TomP Active Member

    Jul 5, 2020
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    1. First you need to start > Wheel > Force Test > Start Test
    2. When the test is over you should get something like this test_g29.jpg
    3. Click on "Calculate best R, value" and adjust values in the red box values_g29.jpg
  2. TomP

    TomP Active Member

    Jul 5, 2020
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    A quick experiment with "Kerb enhancement" from @NuScorpii Heavy Messing V2.5
    The "kerb_scale" variable controls the strength of the effect. I tested the file on P1 and kerbs are definitely more pronounced

    Latest file link
    Last edited: Jan 12, 2021
  3. GJDriessen

    GJDriessen Member

    Aug 31, 2020
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    Tom do you still use this custom file and settings or have you changed anything in the meantime? Thank you!
  4. TomP

    TomP Active Member

    Jul 5, 2020
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    GJDriessen, currently I'm using a different file and settings (woks even better). I will post it later.

    I'm uploading my current file as promised. Settings for all cars: 100/20/85/0 (gain/lfb/fx/damping).

    Updated file,
    i removed rattling by replacing scrub ratio with built-in variables (FL/FR_slide).
    File is now basically Reiza default with 3 additions:
    - rack force compression for high down force cars,
    - dead-zone removal,
    - corrected wheel force output

    Update (24.10.20)
    - added subtle engine vibrations when revving (car parked),
    - added gearbox fx,
    - adjustments to rack force compression (threshold, ratio)

    Update (12.01.21)
    - updated version number to
    - added Reiza's doom_check

    Update (22.03.21)
    - version,
    - adjustments to tyre scrub effect,
    - better balance of high forces

    Update (04.04.21)
    - version,
    - minor adjustments in parameters (scrub, relative function) for better balance of forces

    Update (26.04.21)
    - version,
    - code cleanup

    Update (03.05.21)
    - version,
    - adjustments for karts (less harsh feel)

    Update 04.07.21
    - version 1.2.x.x

    Update 20.04.22
    - version 1.3.x.x
    - more info here (RD)

    Update 22.06.22
    New alternative file with no additional effects. Remember to remove _ALTERNATIVE_NO_FX_PURE_RACK from file name before use. file removed

    Update 15.06.23
    - version,
    - revised file to utilise new V1.5 PHYSICS
    - removed all additional canned effects,
    - in-game settings 100/15/85/0 (GAIN / LFB / FX / DAMPING),
    - wheel software settings (LGS, G hub) > centering spring strength: 1 %

    Set master FFB gain to 100 and use per car FFB gain to tweak center feel and strength of the wheel in corners.

    Some suggested per car FFB gain for cars with new physics:
    • Formula Junior: 106
    • Formula Inter: 106
    • Formula USA 2023: 106
    • Formula Retro Gen3 > McLaren MP4/1C: 110
    • P1 Chevrolet: 105
    • P1 Honda: 105
    • P1 Judd: 106
    • P1 Nissan: 105
    • P1 Ginetta: 110

    Attached Files:

    Last edited: Jun 15, 2023
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  5. azaris

    azaris Well-Known Member AMS2 Club Member

    Aug 30, 2020
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    It's subjective of course, but for me TomP's settings with the suggested values give me a lot of wheel rattling when the rear tyres loose traction (slip effect?), which makes it impossible to save slides. Reducing FX to 10 removes that, but then you lose a lot of the feel and confidence entering corners. This was tested with the Super V8 at Curitiba, which is the car I think struggles the most from bad FFB because going over the limit punishes you immediately.

    On the other hand, the settings Pete Baldwin posted (Silver Santos v1.0) feel very good to me, although I went to GAIN 90 LOW 0 FX 30 to remove the excessive rattling that is present in many of these files. Now I can feel when the tyres are locking up under braking as well as lateral grip at the limit in the fast corners. The Super V8 is still pretty finicky to drive, but the Opalas for example feel superb.

    I like that both these settings allow reducing LOW to 0, which I think helps bring out a lot of the details that are often missing on the G29.
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  6. TomP

    TomP Active Member

    Jul 5, 2020
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    Last edited: Jan 12, 2021
  7. azaris

    azaris Well-Known Member AMS2 Club Member

    Aug 30, 2020
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    I retried TomP's settings. They're not bad, but I still prefer Silver Santos v1.0. I also reduced GAIN to 65 to make it easy to control the car with one hand, but upped the LFB to 35 to get more natural centering force from the front tyres when the rear comes out. FX was lowered to 20 since that's the most I can run without rattling when the brakes lock up in cars like the Ginetta GT4. Now the Super V8 and the FWD cars really came alive. I would still like to get more information about weight transfer, like it was possible in AMS1, but it's pretty nice now.
  8. TomP

    TomP Active Member

    Jul 5, 2020
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  9. Robin_NL

    Robin_NL Member

    Dec 8, 2016
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    I'm driving with a G923 (PS4)PC wheel since yesterday, coming from a 920.

    I'm happy about the way it feels/FFB in AC/ACC/RF2 and also in AMS2.
    I love the dampening feature, a very very silent non nervous wheel in AMS 2.

    But ingame there are no(not yet) 'G923' settings I see?

    In G Hub I calibrated my G923 and in AMS 2 I see the Caterham 620 Streetcar and its virtual steering wheel is not exactly syncing with my G923 rotating it to almost the max you see the virtual wheel staying behind the G923 in degrees/visually.
    Same goes for M1 Procar, but Ultima 720 Streetcar is perfectly sync-ed just like in AC/ACC/RF2

    Anybody info/tips?


  10. Stakanov

    Stakanov Well-Known Member AMS2 Club Member

    Feb 7, 2020
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    In Game and in LogHub you setting 900* and wheel sensitive to default 50?
    Last edited: Nov 4, 2020
  11. Robin_NL

    Robin_NL Member

    Dec 8, 2016
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    Ingame I made a 'custom wheel' setting because G923 is not available and calibrated the wheel.

    Stragely I cannot change wheel sensitivity from '50', it goes back to '50' when I go back into the menu...
    EDIT: I changed it to '30' while driving around and it stayed there. But changing it back to '50' won't work, it flips back to '30'. also when restarting a game.
    What does wheelsensitivity do/mean?

    But I found out when calibrating the wheel and set the RANGE to '80' instead of '100' (max) I get what I want and the wheel syncronisation with M1 Procar and Caterham 620R is spot on, but now the sync with 720 Ultima streetcar is flawed and I have to go back to calibrating it to '100' RANGE instead of '80' everytime I want to use that car. And so on. All the F1 car virtual steering wheels are even more out of sync...

    I searched/googled and cannot find any Automobilista 2 --->G923 info, only some driving videos.

    Last edited: Nov 5, 2020
  12. Stakanov

    Stakanov Well-Known Member AMS2 Club Member

    Feb 7, 2020
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    I really think that the problem derives from this, Reiza has not yet entered the specifications of the new Logitech steering wheel .... therefore you must find at least a configuration (even customized) that correctly calibrates the steering wheel with 900 degrees (100% no 80% ) and with a sensitivity of 50 (the same in LogHUB) ... the game scales the degrees of rotation depending on the machine starting from 900 or 100% ... if in the calibration you start from 80% the game will scale the degrees in proportion and if you change the sensitivity in a different way from 50 there will always be an imbalance and you won't have a 1: 1 ratio between real and virtual steering wheel !!!
    Alternatively, instead of using the custom profile, have you tried to select the G920 as a steering wheel and do the calibration ???
    If you can't find a way to reach a correct calibration, I think you have to wait for an update from reiza to correctly recognize the steering wheel .....
    • Informative Informative x 1
  13. neal

    neal Well-Known Member AMS2 Club Member

    Jun 1, 2017
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    I'm looking for a friend of mine settings for the G920 using the latest Default that uses the new Damping features in game and not in the wheel firmware settings. Anyone got settings that I could pass on please?
  14. Cully

    Cully Active Member AMS2 Club Member

    Mar 8, 2016
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    IM back after months away from simracing and keen to know recommended G29 settings too.
  15. azaris

    azaris Well-Known Member AMS2 Club Member

    Aug 30, 2020
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    60-45-70-40 was what I settled at before the latest hotfix after extensive testing. Your mileage may vary.
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  16. Manohy

    Manohy Member

    Mar 28, 2020
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    Hi friends I may have found a quick method to find a good G27 setup quickly with AMS2. It might also work with other steering wheels but I don't have the possibility to test it. I also tested the method with Raceroom and Assetto Corsa and it works with some specific settings. I call it the "Manohy's FFB method" to make it easy to share. It doesn't need custom files. It's a bit WTF like method I hope you'll forgive me lol. In any case, this FFB makes me want to drive longer with AMS2. I don't want to say bull**** but for me I find the same feeling of the FFB of RF2 with this one. I've just tested it with the stock car 2020 few minutes ago, oh ! heaven!!!! Please try it with your wheel and tell me what you thing :)
  17. Raven_ARG

    Raven_ARG Member

    Apr 19, 2020
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    Hi all.
    Tested multiple options recently on my g29, including Mahnoy's.

    I had the best feeling with these settings:

    Gain: 90% : Above that may be clipping
    Low Force Boost: 20% : I recommend not going too high with this value, I feel that it generates a lot of force when it's not necessary.
    FX: 90% : I think this is subjective, maybe most prefer lower, but I like the kerb, crash and grass effects.

    These are on Default setup.
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  18. azaris

    azaris Well-Known Member AMS2 Club Member

    Aug 30, 2020
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    I think when using Default, it's better to lower gain to 60% or so and increase LFB to 50%. Otherwise you miss out on brake locking effects that are too subtle to pick up without magnification and get overpowered by the other forces. FX to me doesn't really convey anything useful, just road noise and an exaggerated slip effect that actually makes it harder to catch slides. I also don't need FFB to tell me when I'm touching the grass, AMS2 will helpfully do that anyway by sending my car into a violent 360 autobin.
  19. Cully

    Cully Active Member AMS2 Club Member

    Mar 8, 2016
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    Tried these settings and they feel excellent, makes it feel close to rf2 and raceroom which have top class ffb.
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  20. Robin_NL

    Robin_NL Member

    Dec 8, 2016
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    Is there an update in the pipeline where (my) Logitech G923 will be implemented in AMS2?

    Thank you.


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