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Multiplayer - screen freezing mid race then continues

Discussion in 'Automobilista 2 - Help & Support' started by MarkRace, Jun 10, 2022.

  1. MarkRace

    MarkRace Member AMS2 Club Member

    Apr 20, 2017
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    Hi Matt,

    sorry to read this. I really thought turning the Shared Memory/UDP off had worked as I haven't had a multiplayer freeze since I changed those settings in the (unranked) GamerMuscle or other AMS2 ranked servers (I also did a Bathurst 10 lap with no issues). I couldn't make the GameTech stream today but will join tomorrow if I get time to see if it's the same for me and I suspect it will be based on your experience. The only positive is I can now switch the shared memory on and use Crew Chief once again.

    I may be clutching at straws but could it be something different in the way the lobbies are configured? (We know it isn't ranked/unranked but maybe something else). Though it also remains odd that I didn't have the issue in the GameTech Formula V10/RBR combo races.

    I have now experienced another player with what looked like the same issue in a race, their car made 4 big stutters back towards me, I seemingly overtook cleanly, their car then jumped way ahead, hit a barrier and flew up into the air. A few seconds later the same car was back on track and continued normally.

    Technical issues aside, always good to meet and race with another fast, clean and fair racer and thanks with your help trying to solve this.
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  2. Pollinflas

    Pollinflas New Member AMS2 Club Member

    Oct 8, 2019
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    I noticed it in VR playing multiplayer. Framerate drops when CPU and GPU usage and framerates were stable. Monitorized it and it was not a hardware problem. Then Tried the same combos (car-tracks and even with more AI cars on track) offline and the game ran smoothly so... Figured it could be a multiplayer issue. Offline works perfect.
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  3. Pollinflas

    Pollinflas New Member AMS2 Club Member

    Oct 8, 2019
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    I even thought in synchro problems in multiplayer as long as I noticed it especially in lobbies with high ping drivers.
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  4. FADOQ

    FADOQ Active Member

    May 30, 2022
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    Adding my expérience if it helps

    Have the same problem ( only running the.game in VR). I did notice once when it freeze the CPU goes down to almost Idle then go back to normal . Happend only on online session as well. ( GPU stable at 70%). Freeze can be Seen on replay but looking less worth.

    What gives 85% of the Time huge lag or small freeze is when other players crash/contact... Even not in direct sight. ( Online only)

    My setup : i5-12600k (5ghz), 16go Ram, 1080ti, SSD M2
    No UDP. Sharemem PC2 ON
  5. SaxOhare

    SaxOhare Well-Known Member AMS2 Club Member

    Mar 10, 2016
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    I have an Asus MB, In combination with the Madness engine it continues to overclock my CPU until it starts throttling.
    Using fixed values in my bios increased the performance and stability of my PC a lot.
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  6. Matt The Sim Racers Arms

    Matt The Sim Racers Arms Active Member AMS2 Club Member

    Nov 20, 2021
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    I've had two days & LOTS of lobbies & NO freezes! :):D
    Last night (Thu 16th June) in a league race & tonight join 3 or 4 lobbies and they're back!!!!! :eek: :confused: :mad: :(
    Nothing has changed & I mean nothing!! :confused::confused::confused::confused::confused::confused::confused::confused::confused::confused::confused::confused:

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  7. Lucas Vieira

    Lucas Vieira Member

    Feb 24, 2017
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    It's been a while since i don't play AMS 2 on MP anymore due this problem. I've also post here on forum were nobody answer almost a year ago.

    Game suddenly froze at mid race (MP Only)

    This problem isn't new to AMS 2, and also, i believe that is not related to any issue with driver of NVidia or AMD, since i've use with both brands and the issue was present in both cases.

    Its really random, but we have a lot of servers that took forever to start a race, with eternals praticing sessions, and when you finally enter in a race session, this happen. Its really frustanting and annoying.

    I've also change all the settings mentioned on this post, the issue still remains btw
  8. Matt The Sim Racers Arms

    Matt The Sim Racers Arms Active Member AMS2 Club Member

    Nov 20, 2021
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    Today's update (Mon 20/06/22 morning GMT)...

    Sunday evening (GMT).
    League race...
    • 17 Laps
    • GT3
    • 6 people racing - from UK.
    ! SEVEN "Screen Freezes"! :mad::mad:


    Took part in 6 races varying from...
    • Different car/track combo each race (Inc. GT3).
    • 5 to 7 laps.
    • 5 to 15 people racing - from AUS, UK, FRA, POL + others.
    • Only 4 to 6 lobbies.
    ! ZERO "Screen Freezes". o_Oo_O

    I will test again this evening (GMT), as I'm starting to suspect it is a server side issue ONLY in a race (not practice or quali) & effecting me + others early to mid evening (GMT) when there are a lot more lobbies with racers in them. :mad::mad:

    :hurrayreiza: the work you do is giving us some great racing, offline has rock solid performance, detailed FFB, great weather FX & the handling is getting better with each update!
    Please fix the multiplayer issues ASAP. :hurrayreiza:

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    • Agree Agree x 1
  9. Kro

    Kro Active Member AMS2 Club Member

    Aug 29, 2020
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    We are having similar results with MP ..Our Sunday league race sadly only had 6 show up and 1 of those was disconnected in the first few laps after the screen freeze's (again).
    This series started out with over 20+ eager AMS2 drivers & some of our members bought the USA DLC just to race in the series with us 'Gen 2 1998 CART' series.
    After so many MP issues the last race only had 6 show upo_O & the rest are left with a bad taste and are leaving due to the current state of the AMS2 MP experience :rolleyes:.. This is how bad MP can ruin any modern game as far as online player base goes.
    AMS2 is great for all single player drivers. So, I hope they alone can help keep this game alive until they get a chance to have a look at the MP side.
    Leagues have good exposure to a lot of drivers & I personally promote this game in our league encouraging players to buy by hosting MP events with DLC & when they have a go in single player its great ectt.. but now I'm getting some heat as we have so many issues in MP.
    As a side note we also host a lot of PC2 series and we don't have these issues with PC2 that also has the SMS net code so IDK ..:rolleyes: Just trying to stay positive & hope they can make a pass at the MP side but for us at simracingonline we will need to 're-sell' our members on the MP side before we can move forward with this game again as it's all but dead for us now:(
    Last edited: Jun 20, 2022
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  10. Matt The Sim Racers Arms

    Matt The Sim Racers Arms Active Member AMS2 Club Member

    Nov 20, 2021
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    Update on "testing multiplayer screen freezes" no hardware/software changes...
    Tuesday 21st June 2022

    14:55 5x lobbies - U300 7 racers (UK,FRA,SWE,URA,POL) Imola 10 lap, 3 DNF.

    15:50 6 lobbies - Not Ranked - 3 racers - Spielberg 15 Lap, 2 DNF.

    16:50 6 lobbies - U100 5 racers (GER,CAN,UK) - Watkins 17 lap, 2 DNF.

    18:15 15 lobbies - Not Ranked - 15 racers - Long Beach 10 laps, 7 DNF.
    NO FREEZE. A couple of micro stutters & someone looked like they had screen freeze (crashed next to me).

    18:55 12 lobbies - Not Ranked - 7 racers - Campo Grande 5 laps, 6 DNF.
    NO FREEZE. A couple of micro stutters.

    19:35 11 lobbies - Not Ranked - 25 racers - Oulton Park 10 min, 6 DNF.
    NO FREEZE. A couple of micro stutters.

    20:35 10 lobbies - Not Ranked - 19 racers - Adelaide 15 min +1 lap, 9 DNF
    NO FREEZE. A couple of micro stutters.
    Last edited: Jun 22, 2022
  11. sgsfabiano

    sgsfabiano Well-Known Member AMS2 Club Member

    Oct 28, 2019
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    I've witnessed the same happening to a couple of leagues. AMS2 image is being killed by its own poor MP state since its release 2 years ago, and it doesn't help that there are feedbacks on this very forum saying things are not as bad as we "complainers" make it be.
  12. azaris

    azaris Well-Known Member AMS2 Club Member

    Aug 30, 2020
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    Have you considered that the problem could be not so much a "AMS2 netcode is bad" situation, but rather a "some people have poor connections to Steam servers for some reason" or "some people are trying to host races on a potato EC2 instance that gets overloaded and leads to desyncing" situation? It's not like people are lying when they say they aren't really experiencing these horrible MP bugs that you are talking about.
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  13. sgsfabiano

    sgsfabiano Well-Known Member AMS2 Club Member

    Oct 28, 2019
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    Obviously I did, I'm not ignorant... I'm not gonna hijack this thread with my complaints and feedback, though.
  14. Kro

    Kro Active Member AMS2 Club Member

    Aug 29, 2020
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    For sure, it's the interwebz & anything can happen , For me personally i have not suffered to bad just some pauses & I have never been dropped.
    We host on a 1gbt ded server and have also tried with multiple members trying to see if it changes for us.
    SRO Race Server Speedtest 2.jpg

    It did not make any difference. I myself have a 1gbt connection and tried hosting from my game but same results in league races. I have also hosted public races with 20+ drivers coming & going but no way to interact with them to see if they had issues freezes as 20+ may start but it's always 5-7 that finish,:rolleyes: normal public lobby stuff.. :D

    At simracingonline we are a multi-platform racing community, we have over 3000 members with 30-40 active at any time, ( It's a numbers game, like car sales, lots of ppl join, race and never come back lol you need 3000 to get 30 active as it about a10% average:D) we race most of the other sim's and have championships going now with ACC, AC, rF2, PC2 & AMS2. The same players that have issues with AMS2 don't have these issues with the other sim's :confused::( ..
    I have noticed that most (not all as some 'flat screeners' also get the boot) players that suffer the most are the VR users, when flat screeners get a slight pause/freeze the VR guys seem to get the big pause & dropped from the server. The same VR users have no issues with PC2 so I don't know wtf the deal is with AMS2. Reiza has done such a good job improving the SMS engine with this title that maybe the net code needs a tweak or 2? IDK ..I only know what's happening with our experiences & that's that our players are giving up on it for now .. That said I am not!!:D:hurrayreiza:
    Last edited: Jun 22, 2022
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  15. Matt The Sim Racers Arms

    Matt The Sim Racers Arms Active Member AMS2 Club Member

    Nov 20, 2021
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    Update on "testing multiplayer screen freezes" no hardware/software changes...

    Wednesday 22nd June 2022

    19:00 15+ lobbies - league (passworded) - 8x racers (3x ai) - Bathurst 12x laps - NO DNF's
    FREEZE every 3 laps!!!

    20:10 15+ lobbies - F801 - 12x (5x ai) racers - Spa 8x laps - NO DNF's
    FREEZE every 3 laps!!!

    20:40 15+ lobbies - U800 - 11x racers - Imola 5 laps - 3 DNF's
    Micro stutter lap 3 (causing crash into another racer)!

    Continue testing & updating the rest of this week - no planned hardware/software changes.
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  16. RICCARDO85

    RICCARDO85 New Member

    Jun 11, 2022
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    Hi all. I have the same problem with quest2 in multy when the ranking is on. In server without ranking no problem some times. About 3 lap black screen for 3 or 4 second with normal sound but I can't change gear or other. This problem is only with ams2. Acc, ac, Rf2, iracing nothing. All time that I esc from ams2, I have an error message with file. Dmp in the app data folder.. I really don't know hot to resolve this.
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  17. Kro

    Kro Active Member AMS2 Club Member

    Aug 29, 2020
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  18. Matt The Sim Racers Arms

    Matt The Sim Racers Arms Active Member AMS2 Club Member

    Nov 20, 2021
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    Update on "testing multiplayer screen freezes" no hardware/software changes... i.e. UDP etc. OFF all the same for the past week.
    Thursday 23rd June 2022
    09:40 5 lobbies - Not Ranked - 4x racers - Adelaide 25x laps 1 pit stop - 1x DNF
    FREEZE lap 3 & lap 15!!

    Game restart...
    12:05 8 lobbies - Not Ranked - 9x racers (4x ai) - Brands 1x lap - No DNF's
    12:30 9 lobbies - Not Ranked - 15x racers - Adelaide 5x laps - 4 DNF's
    12:55 9 lobbies - My Lobby U500 - 1x racers - Donno 6x laps - 0 DNF's
    12:55 6 lobbies - My Lobby U500 - 3x racers - Brands 6x laps - 1x DNF

    Game restart...
    15:20 6 lobbies - Not Ranked - 9x racers - Spielberg 7x laps - 4 DNF's

    Game restart...
    16:55 7 lobbies - U1200 - 9x racers - Virginia 5x laps - 3 DNF's
    18:15 7 lobbies - U1200 - 15x racers - Leguna 10x laps - 4 DNF's

    More tomorrow.
    Absolutley agree and I completely understand that some issues are difficult but not impossible to replicate. I thought I would start logging my races in 'basic data' in the hope that it may assist the dev's in some small way & I will continue for the next week or so.
    One look at my YT channel and you will see where I stand with Reiza/AMS2
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  19. Iain Streeter

    Iain Streeter New Member AMS2 Club Member

    Dec 20, 2021
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    I am having the same problems with the screen freezes and it only seemed to start happening after Feb 2022 as someone else has said. Also I have rebuilt (Window 10) my pc a number of time and it only seems to start happening after a windows patch is installed. so Im sure its related to a windows update. Ive switched to running Win 11 recently and I have postponed any updates for 5 week and Im not getting any screen freezes as soon as the windows updates are installed in will feeze again I know this as I am on my second rebuild of Win11 the previous build I allowed it to install the windows updates and started getting the screen freezes again.
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  20. Matt The Sim Racers Arms

    Matt The Sim Racers Arms Active Member AMS2 Club Member

    Nov 20, 2021
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    Update on "testing multiplayer screen freezes" no hardware/software changes...

    Friday 24th June 2022

    11:25 10 lobbies - U100 - 5x racers - Bathurst 10x laps - 1x DNF

    11:55 10 lobbies - Not Ranked - 15x racers (4 ai) - Bathurst 6x laps - 4x DNF
    NO FREEZE. Stutters on lap 1.

    17:30 15+ lobbies - U100 - 14x racers (1x ai)- Brands 10x laps - 4x DNF
    FREEZE lap 3. Stutters on lap 8.

    18:10 15+ lobbies - U100 - 17x racers - Monza 20min laps - 7x DNF's
    Stutters on lap 3.

    18:10 15+ lobbies - U1400 - 26x racers (9x ai) - Spielberg 20min+1 lap - 7x DNF's
    FREEZE 5min 36sec in!
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