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AMS2 AI Developer Q&A - Physics & AI

Discussion in 'Automobilista 2 - General Discussion' started by Renato Simioni, Mar 23, 2025 at 12:01 PM.

  1. Cholton82

    Cholton82 Active Member

    Aug 12, 2022
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    Sorry you can delete , Been up all night with a poorly child so my brain isn’t functioning correctly this morning, Just realised it’s ai/physics related
    Hi Renato , Thank you for the opportunity to ask questions.
    My first question is one that’s caused me a headache a few times , Is it possible to get a proper working flag system even if it’s just a yellow on screen notification for a certain sector as I’ve had a few races ruined by a car that’s stopped on track under no caution.

    My 2nd is could it be possible to have some weather scenarios excluded from random weather. I love how the weather system works and try and use random weather when creating offline championships but sometimes storm and heavy fog is just too much and some series would not race in those conditions.
    Thank you
    Last edited: Mar 24, 2025 at 10:47 AM
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  2. Buzzhornet

    Buzzhornet New Member

    Mar 13, 2017
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    Hi Renato
    A simple one for me. Will Reiza be adding functionality to support custom ai drivers in multiplayer? It would add a whole new immersion and realism to this great sim.
  3. Renato Simioni

    Renato Simioni Administrator Staff Member

    Feb 14, 2016
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    We´re looking into it.

    Also looking into it for the next update.
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  4. mmertens

    mmertens Old school racer

    Sep 19, 2022
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    Hi Renato, I’ll try to narrow my questions regarding to one subject. Damage

    1 - regarding damage, is there a way to add the option of terminal damage, or unrepairable damage once you get to the pits depending on category? Ex: normally if you colide a fórmula car with front suspension damage, that will be a retirement once you get back to the pits (ex: Hill on Adelaide 94).

    2 - can we have the option of realistic repair times for endurance races for example? Right now it looks like the time of repairs are too short and this can be immersion breaking for these kind of races. I think I never had repair times bigger than 2 min. (What’s current max repair times allowed in the sim?)

    3 - is there a possibility to add the option of missing a session, or missing time on a session due to too severe damage in an event? Ex: you hit the car too hard on practice, and then your team is unable to repair the car on time for qualifying, so you miss the session (or you miss 70% of the session for example)? Or even missing a full race depending on too much damage? This would add to the tension of driving carefully on championship events for example and punish reckless driving.

    Thanks for the opportunity of answering these questions directly from users, this is really open communication and a great initiative of having this direct feedback from developers.
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  5. ercerro

    ercerro Member

    May 21, 2024
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    Hello Renato and thanks for the opportunity to ask questions about the Sim.
    Here are my 3 questions:

    1- Will you implement more advanced setup options like abs 1 and 2, tc 1 and 2, brake migration etc..?

    2- are you planning on reviewing the physics of the fwd cars just like you did with karts?

    3- Will you implement the AI sliders for corner and straight performance that we saw before the release of 1.6?

    Thanks a lot!
  6. bobbie424242

    bobbie424242 Well-Known Member AMS2 Club Member

    Jul 31, 2017
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    Hi Renato,

    It was a few months ago, but last I checked (cannot check current state due to not having access to my sim rig for a while), RX AI was very very slow on non-RX tracks (such as Hockenheim Short)
    RX cars are great fun on such small tarmac tracks. Are there plan to improve AI for it to make it in line with other race cars ?
  7. Dicra

    Dicra Local Gamepad Ambassador AMS2 Club Member

    May 1, 2020
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    1) Are there currently considerations to open AI lines and their dry/wet performance to modders (maybe in conjunction with some pertinent dev tools) so they can adjust and finetune them? One way to do this could also be to hand out individual keys. The way I see it, several of the class or track specific AI calibration issues are a matter of not enough (human) resources to throw at them.

    2) Will the AI mistake rate in wet weather and especially in changing conditions be (further) increased? Currently I have to crank mistake rate up to 5x wirh formula classes to see mistakes in the rain, but with that rate they also make a little too many in the dry in my opinion... There's also just not enough chaos in rapidly changing conditions.

    3) Very different question: Is it possible (or looked into) to make the initial grip loss of the tyres more snappy than it currently is? I don't think AMS2 allows too much slip (if anything it may be too punishing sometimes), but from what I've seen, in real life beyond the optimal slip angle there will often be a snap of the car that you then can save by going opposite lock. In AMS2, there is a much more apparent tendency towards neutral steer than I've seen on average in the onboards I've watched. This is especially true under acceleration, under braking I'm not quite sure...

    Thanks for doing this here btw, I think that's an even more awesome way to communicate with the community than the dev updates!
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  8. Renato Simioni

    Renato Simioni Administrator Staff Member

    Feb 14, 2016
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    We already have scalable TC / ABS so not sure what you mean on those; brake migration isn´t currently planned but not out of the cards either.

    We had already revised every car / class in the sim for V1.6, the exceptions were the karts and oval variants for formulas and tintops which have since also been brought up to revision.

    You are probably confusing with AI Throttle and Braking Skill scalars which didn´t quite make the cut for v1.6 release; those are still in the plans.
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  9. Marc Collins

    Marc Collins Internal Tester AMS2 Club Member

    Mar 12, 2016
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    I think the question is related to:

    TC1 Slip and TC2 Gain are additional, more granular traction control settings found in certain race cars, particularly in modern GT3 or endurance cars. These settings allow you to fine-tune how the traction control system responds to wheel spin and how aggressively it intervenes.
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  10. Sirius360

    Sirius360 Member AMS2 Club Member

    Jun 20, 2023
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    Thanks for this opportunity:

    1. AI driving out of the pits: ATM in practice or qualifying, AI drives out of the pits one by one with the same gap until everyone is out. This leads to all cars driving behind each other (especially on bigger tracks with a smaller grid). In real life and in other titles, this is more random, the gaps between cars are often bigger, and some cars stay in the pit way longer before exiting. Is this something we can expect to see in AMS2 at some point?

    2. In the pit lane, or right before and after, AI cars are "ghosts," and you can't collide with them. Is this something that will change someday?

    3. That's more a personal/subjective question: Which car/class is the one you are the most proud of? Which car's physics stands out to you as a lead developer? :)
  11. Renato Simioni

    Renato Simioni Administrator Staff Member

    Feb 14, 2016
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    The problem with modding at any level but especially with AI is that once the game is opened up for that we lose control of the environment and user feedback is no longer reliable, if more human resources are needed for developing the AI in AMS2 it is primarily for testing & gauging discrepancies and that´s where user feedback such as what you regularly provide is valuable as we can´t possibly test every car / track / weather / tire compound combo to work out where every discrepancy is on our own, but if users keep infoming us we can handle the adjusting part which for the most part isn´t that complicated or time consuming if you know what you´re doing and where the issues persist.

    Eventually we´ll get to a point where discrepancies are small enough (a few tenths over or under here and there) that the flux of user / tester feedback might be less critical, and then we could consider opening up tools for users to do their own finetuning.

    This is they type of feedback we can use as that is certainly easy enough to adjust; as you know but others might not there is already various built-in probability multipliers for AI mistakes when running in changing conditions, changing conditions with the wront tire option, with cold / worn tires or damaged parts, when on a hotlap, race start or under pressure from another car so on and so forth; these can easily be scaled up and down if we find they are not happening often enough in some particular condition or circumstance.

    Mind you these then interpolate with the propensity for mistakes each AI driver has at its personality level so it´s important to be specific about which class the issue is being noted on as the issue might lay on how drivers for that class have been set; if we got values too conservative in a given class - or if the user runs a custom AI file in which drivers have been set generally with high mistake avoidance (ie they are less error-prone) - then you are not going to see many mistakes no matter how high the other multipliers are; that is why being detailed with reports about all these variables is important for us to have a chance to correct it.

    Everything is possible; if there is one thing that always certain in vehicle dynamics simulation is that everything can always be a little better, be that with the physics model themselves, our own understanding of these models, our knowledge of the vehicles being simulated or the way that data is being parsed into the physics engine; it´s what makes it simultaneously fascinating and hair-tearing frustrating :)

    We have just wrapped up the third wholesale major physics overhaul in as many years and at this point we find we have more critical room for improvement around the player vehicle physics - AI behavior & performance calibration, additional default setups, more intrinsic mechanical damage properties - and all these require player physics to be stable, so for the foreseeable future the focus will be on these other areas.
    Last edited: Mar 24, 2025 at 1:17 PM
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  12. Renato Simioni

    Renato Simioni Administrator Staff Member

    Feb 14, 2016
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    This should no longer be the case as of V1.6.4.2 due to the following changes as per changelog:

    • Adjusted AI behaviour so that if it runs into another car and is held up in the first or second sector of a hotlap in practice or qualifying, it may either re-engage outlap behavior to open a gap for another hot lap or return to pits (if late into its stint)
    • Adjusted logic which AI drivers follow when leaving pits in practice & qualifying to minimise issues with intense traffic early on the sessions

    I don´t like the ghosting personally but that´s a legacy design we can´t easily change; it´s not just making vehicles collidable, the AI atm expects vehicles to be drive-thru in the pits so we´d have to revise their entire logic in that condition and atm AI development efforts are best spent elsewhere.

    Bit of a C&P here as I´ve answered a similar question elsewhere before ;) we spend so much time with each of them going through constant revisions to try ensure every bit of content is at a similarly high standard that it´s hard to single out one - inevitably there is some quality variations with a content pool so vast but I´m especially proud of the fact we are always pushing to keep that to a minimal so that every car and track belongs to the same world - it is the key difference between AMS2 and say a modding platform that might feature even more cars and tracks but without that same cohesive quality.

    With that said the Senna F1 cars and the generics around them are obviously something I grew up adoring so having them and doing them justice in the game is a source of great joy. From a production standpoint the F-Junior is particularly hart to fault accross the board (not just physics)
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  13. DavidGossett

    DavidGossett Well-Known Member AMS2 Club Member

    Mar 30, 2020
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    I apologize for bringing up older topics I've discussed on the forums previously. This seems like the best chance I have of these issues being addressed/seen.

    1. Is getting RX, Kartcross, and STT Ai into a more "believable" state possible in AMS2, or is this beyond the scope of the plans for the game?

    I've seen several comments in different Discord groups where people who have tried both Adrenaline Pack Pt. 1-2 eventually avoided these DLC due to the Ai. I understand that the Ai are subject to different physics than the player, but the differences in these classes are currently the most immersion-breaking. Single player races with each of these three classes are broken for various reasons:
    • STT Ai having no visual body roll or limitations with the front end on left-hand corners. There's moments where the player vehicle has significantly less grip than the Ai. 20250324124339_1.jpg
    • Kartcross often being unable to cleanly finish a lap.
    • RX Ai occasionally having formula car levels of downforce and taking "traditional tarmac racing lines" through hairpins and other corners that would require using more slip angle/sliding.
    • All RX classes often fail to take joker laps at certain tracks. 20250324114729_1.jpg
    I understand that these classes are niche content, but it's a shame to me to have one of the best representations of a crosskart, but between the lack of MP interest in this car and the Ai being barely able to stay on track, the only good experience with this car is solo hotlapping.

    2. On the physics side, can the KartCross and RX pace be addressed? I've mentioned before on the forum and on the Reiza Discord that these are breaking real-life track records in monsoon conditions on rain tires.

    For reference:
    Mattias Ekström - 2016 World RX Final at Hockenheim: 6 laps: 5:41.784
    Me - AMS2 Hockenheim RX with Ai's in full storm conditions with a wet track state: 5:12.799
    Me - AMS2 Hockenheim RX with Ai's in the dry: 4:58.746

    That's a dry condition difference in pace of 114.4%. For contrast, the difference in pace between F1 and IndyCar at COTA in 2019 was 114.9%.

    I'm sorry if this isn't the place to bring these up, but all of my previous reports on this topic have been buried in forum clutter. Racing the RX ai is often frustrating given the difference between the player's line and Ai's lines often end in them driving straight into the player (or each other).
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  14. Z.Frank

    Z.Frank New Member

    Jan 11, 2025
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    Is there any plans to fix AI pit stop logic?
    I’m doing 90 mile Formula USA Gen 3 races with refueling, and a mandatory pit stop changing all tires.

    3 out of 6 races in my custom championship the AI has pitted with 2 or so laps left.

    This is ruining the entire experience of longer more tactical races for me.

    What can I do to fix this? It’s almost pointless to race knowing I’ll win because they do illogical pit stops.
    Last edited: Mar 24, 2025 at 7:53 PM
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  15. Renato Simioni

    Renato Simioni Administrator Staff Member

    Feb 14, 2016
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    The guidelines set in the OP clearly state you should be an Active Member and keep yout post dispassionate; we can all safely agree any issues that negatively affect gameplay are frustrating to one degree or another so there´s really no need to reiterate that here,.

    I think this can be a great way to collect more community feedback so we can identify and hopefully address the more pressing issues with AI, but for it to continue to be a fruitful use of my time I need you all to read and abide to the rules as set in the opening post folks.

    I´ll make an exception and reply to this anyway because we´ve seen these reports already and are working on it at this very moment - there is nothing fundamentally "broken" with AI pitstop strategy, as consistently stated throughout this thread and elsewhere every single class is heavily parametrized with AI variables impacting their performance, behavior and strategical decisions and given the sheer amount of classes in AMS2 there can always be something in need of further adjusting - learning what they might be is one of the points of this thread. It seems like a previous adjustment to correct AI pitting too early into their stints in GT and Proto classes ended up resulting in an overcorrection for some formula classes so we are taking a finer comb through the classes this time to finetune and correct these issues.
    Last edited: Mar 24, 2025 at 11:26 PM
  16. Renato Simioni

    Renato Simioni Administrator Staff Member

    Feb 14, 2016
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    Locking this thread for a bit to give me a chance to catch up with replies before they accumulate folks - we´ll resume soon :)

    Discussions may continue in the other thread in the meantime.
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  17. cpcdem

    cpcdem Well-Known Member AMS2 Club Member

    Jun 12, 2019
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    Thanks for the opportunity! I hope my questions do fall under the physics subject:

    1. What are your thoughts about having LOW/HIGH settings for ABS and TC? To me they sound a bit redundant and confusing, when there are both settings for that but then also different levels 1-8 or so for example. I understand they are controlling different things, but shouldn't ABS/SC behavior only be affected (more realistically) by the selected numeric level?

    2. What do steering and braking assists options exactly do? There has been much controversy about them since the other games that used this engine about how much they can help even pro drivers to gain an advantage by using them (I know some of them do use it) in multiplayer. In any case I would very much like to have an option to make also those disableable in multiplayer.

    3. Is draft modeled correctly in the sense that only when you are exaclty behind another car you gain the maximum advantage? Many times I've felt that even if my car is on the other far side of the track than the car ahead (but still very close in terms of time gap), I still get plenty of draft, maybe even the same as if I was right behind (at least in multiplayer). But it might only be my impression of course!

    Edit: Ha, apparently I just made it before the temp lock :)
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  18. Renato Simioni

    Renato Simioni Administrator Staff Member

    Feb 14, 2016
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    Bundling these two as they by and large have the samer answer; allowing components that might not be typically fixable to be so in pitstops and keeping repait times within a certain ceiling are gameplay considerations; I believe we had them set more accurately at some point early on development but league runners in particular wanted them reduced to encourage participants to stay in a race even after a crash.

    Adding an option for more realistic repair times could be factored into the plans below.

    We already had pit repair & tow time delays in AMS1 and as per above we are working on something more elaborate for AMS2 as referred to in this article.

    I believe the issue of RX relative poor performance in "regular" race tracks have been reduced but still persists; long story short the way AI tires interact with various surfaces is far less elaborate; simply put as things stand we can´t make them competitive in regular race layouts without making them too fast in layouts with mixed dirt / tarmac surfaces.

    This isn´t an unsurmountable problem however and it will be revisited when we expand on the dirt content further down the line.

    As you say they are working on different layers (on one front as a gameplay setting, on another as car-specific electronic aid) which may do similar things but are referenced differently in the backend. It is a little clumsy but when you are building a house on top of another house (Madness) which was built on top of another house (ISIMotor) you have to live with some walls you might prefer not to have if you were building the whole architectural project from scratch.

    It is on the taskboard.

    Draft efect behind a leading car is trapezoid shaped so you´ll feel it even if you are squarely behind another car, but it doesn´t extend sideways much that you would feel it completely to the side of the leading car; if there were other cars around and ahead however that could be a factor as then the effects from each compound on each other.

    I´ll get back to you on this one after running a few tests.
    Last edited: Mar 25, 2025 at 12:26 PM
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  19. Renato Simioni

    Renato Simioni Administrator Staff Member

    Feb 14, 2016
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    Thread re-opened :)
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  20. herakles

    herakles Active Member

    May 26, 2022
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    here are some of my observations.


    First video, Indianapolis

    00:40 - downloading setup from time trial
    01:20 - setup of race, AI skill 105, high aggression
    02:10 - loading of setup, start of quali
    04:45 - start of quali lap
    05:26 - end of quali lap (results not important, just not running from the back - hence no importance to rest of quali times, so skip)
    05:47 - loading of race setup, then lowering front downforce to minimum, ducts fully closed (both to be fast on the straights), but boost pressure set to (only) 47% in order to finish a full race without engine failure. this is important as it connects to the problems on the straights later in the video.
    07:09 - start of race. lights go off at the same speed it always was. those who have the "old" sound of "beep, beep, beep => GO!" in their ears know exactly when to push the throttle.
    09:20 - getting faster out of curve 4, still the car in front drives away on the straight
    10:19 - getting faster out of curve 2, still the car in front drives away on the straight
    10:40 - getting faster out of curve 4, still the first car of the pack in front drives away on the straight
    11:00 - getting faster out of curve 2, still the first car of the pack in front drives away on the straight (despite wind shadow for me)
    11:13 - distance Gordon to leader: 13.147 sec, my own distance to leader: 12.593 sec. this results in a difference of 0.554 sec, but direct distance table shows 0.1 sec
    12:10 - car in front slower in corners, no chance to overtake here
    12:25 - same car in front drives away on the straight
    12:55 - double pack in front slow in curve 1
    13:23 - car in front clearly slower in curve 4, then runs away on the straight

    Notes (most important: b):
    a) Random times until lights go green would be nice (07:09)
    b) No chance to overtake AI on the long run (several timestamps)
    c) Miscalculation / inconsistencies of time distances (11:13)

    See also more verbose description here:
    Official General AI Comments & Discussion Topic


    Second video, Monza 10k

    01:05 - downloading setup from time trial
    01:56 - setup of race, AI skill 120, high aggression
    03:01 - skipping training, ugly engine sound remains while skipping in progress
    03:20 - loading of setup, start of quali
    04:20 and 08:23 - passing on top of bridge, sound is like drving under the bridge (same applies at suzuka as well)
    07:00 - start of quali lap
    09:04 - finish of quali lap, waiting for quali to end
    18:20 - end of quali, AI way too slow

    Notes (most important: c):
    a) Sound does not reflect 3D situations like bridges. Sound is simply like on a 2D model of the track - every X/Y position on a map can only have one sound, Z-position is ignored (04:20 and 08:23)
    b) Uncontrolled noise between sessions (03:01)
    c) AI is not competitive (18:20)

    See also more verbose description here:
    Official General AI Comments & Discussion Topic


    Third video, Daytona Oval

    00:58 - downloading setup from time trial
    01:37 - setup of race, AI skill 70, high aggression
    02:50 - loading of setup, start of quali
    04:48 - start of quali lap
    05:25 - end of quali lap, time: 36.1
    17:50 - end of quali, pole time: 35.8, own starting position: 12
    18:20 - setup of race, AI skill 120, high aggression
    19:42 - loading of setup, start of quali
    21:46 - start of quali lap
    22:22 - end of quali lap, time: 36.1
    34:35 - end of quali, pole time: 35.9, own starting position: 13

    a) Quali times of AI barely differ while skill ranges from min to max (17:50 and 34:35) with player times almost exactly equal

    See also more verbose description here:
    Official General AI Comments & Discussion Topic


    Smaller issues not on video like clicking setup values twice before value changes or pit settings returning to "default" exactly in that moment when you cross the pit entry line or others come in addition. It took four hours to sum up these videos, so I'll stop here.

    I know, these are modded liveries and drivers, but I get the same results with a blank installation - check my forum postings in the AI thread. I just did not want to wipe my whole installation again, which I did some weeks ago to verify my observations. Sorry for that!

    Thanks for the opportunity to get in direct touch with the devs.

    Hoping for the best and still loving this game,
    Last edited: Mar 25, 2025 at 12:40 PM
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