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AMS2 AI Developer Q&A - Physics & AI

Discussion in 'Automobilista 2 - General Discussion' started by Renato Simioni, Mar 23, 2025 at 12:01 PM.

  1. mr cheese

    mr cheese Member

    Apr 16, 2024
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    A while back it was mentioned that we might be able to have the players AI co driver start the race. Is that still on the cards? Would be a nice immersion increaser for endurance racers.

    To follow up on that, will it ever be possible to edit our co drivers attributes in any way?
  2. Renato Simioni

    Renato Simioni Administrator Staff Member

    Feb 14, 2016
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    Thank for the detailed reports - those help a lot.

    So the first two are basically AI performance discrepancy reports; the first one a Indy is a bit more elaborate, mix of discrepancies both on the car and track side; the second seems more straight-forward track-based discrepancy - we´ll be looking into both of these in the next couple of cycles as oval racing is going to be receiving more attention again so you should expect to see these corrected or at the very least considerably mitigated - you´re welcome to poke me on this if it isn´t ;)

    The third as far as I could tell didn´t actually showcase anything working outside of its intended design; the reason the setting is named "AI Skill" is because it affects only cornering ability; there is not much skill involved in going flat out on your own with a F-USA around Daytona, the car can handle that comfortably hence there is no difference in lap time irrespective of using 70% or 120% AI Skill.

    One could make the reasonable request that the setting either gets its range extended - say 50-120% so that at 50% the AI might be a little tentative going around the corners - or that AI Skill also does some sort of scaling of top speed as well, but that´s not how it works currently.

    Yes it´s still on the taskboard.

    This is trickier to answer as it´s a code hypothetical which beyond my paygrade; I can´t see why it wouldn´t be possible, whether it will be time effective remains to be seen.
    Last edited: Mar 25, 2025 at 1:14 PM
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  3. Renato Simioni

    Renato Simioni Administrator Staff Member

    Feb 14, 2016
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    BTW folks while I´m happy to keep clarifying questions about how things work in physics & AI and what plans are for their future development, it would be great to get more actual reports on persisting AI issues with video evidence as presented by @TomLehockySVK and @herakles, even if you are just copy&pasting from a previous report that might have flown under my radar. If they show actual problems I´ll either commit to tackling them or explain what the current constraints are to improve on it.
    Last edited: Mar 25, 2025 at 1:20 PM
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  4. ChasteWand

    ChasteWand Active Member

    Feb 9, 2021
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    Hi Renato, firstly thanks for this Q+A session, it is greatly appreciated and hopefully will prove useful to all involved and the development of the game.

    I hope this counts as one question and if so a couple more will follow, but I might very well be being cheeky as it's a big question with many sub questions! Feel free to say enough. :D

    I would like to know more about the damage model and physics, specifically relating to player to AI contact, and both player and AI contact with barriers and the ground/curbs. Which setting(s) give a level playing field between player and AI if any? Off and visual is hopefully a no brainer, then there is performance impacting and full, each with low, med and high. Experience suggests both the latter are at low. Can there ever be equality between player and AI at the highest setting?

    I currently use full/low, (offline) however think that medium is a more representative level with respect to reality. I feel to go any higher (than low) gives the AI an unfair advantage, especially as they can be quite reckless in their choice of corner to make overtakes, (Bathurst for example) and the relentless attitude of the car behind. Slightly of topic, but it does play in to the subject of damage, the AI have little patience with respect to longer more endurance/grand prix style races. They more realistically represent sprint style racing. I hope in time a balance of aggression/patience can be found for longer races. Part of a winning strategy is knowing when to push and when to bide your time and be patient.

    Currently (at damage setting full/low) half a dozen or so gentle taps to the rear of the players car from an AI car will completely detach the rear wing instantly with no warning of if the next hit will result in that happening. Could a warning be given on the hud with the option to replace the rear wing at a pit stop with applicable repair time?

    When the AI suffer rear wing loss they aren't penalised as much as the player is. Even in low speed corners the player suffers, I would argue, too much oversteer whilst the AI, albeit slower, are not slowed enough, particularly in high speed corners. There is also no representation of oversteer in how they appear to drive, and sometimes don't even pit for repairs. Can/will this can be addressed?

    Is or can floor/diffuser damage be modelled?
    If I spin and hit a barrier backwards the 100% rear wing damage and detachment is believable, and depending on severity perhaps floor damage should also be incurred. Moreover, such impacts for example in formula or prototype cars, should result in floor damage and a loss of downforce. The floor/diffuser generates a large amount of the total downforce. Current generation F1 cars develop most of their downforce from the floor by ground effect, and side impacts can have a considerable effect on the downforce generated. Likewise strikes to the ground/curbs can also cause damage and resulting downforce loss.

    Front wings have a more believable scale reported in the HUD, gentle impacts result in say 2-5 damage, harder 10/20 or more, with severe detaching the wing. The damage however seems to penalise top speed more than downforce generation. Can and is this possible to revise/implement?

    Finally, and it's a pet peeve, can the AI be made to pit for repairs at night when an incident breaks their headlights? Currently they drive around with perfect night vision until a fuel/tyre stop, only then are the lights repaired.

    A big thank you for both you and your team's dedication to the sim racing genre. Together with the community this game goes from strength to strength. :)

    Edited for clarity and typo's.
    Last edited: Mar 25, 2025 at 1:28 PM
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  5. Xzanman

    Xzanman Active Member

    Jun 8, 2023
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    Does the game simulate the effects of wind, on vehicle performance?
  6. _Was

    _Was Active Member

    Jun 22, 2023
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    Will there be improvements in the rain physics and its force feedback? In the loss of grip when driving over the rubber line on the wheel or on the curbs?
  7. Dolph

    Dolph Well-Known Member AMS2 Club Member

    May 21, 2020
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    Does following another car closely or not so closely for many laps have effect on engine overheating and brakes heating?

    If I see engine damage at 1 or 2 - how big an effect does that have on car performance if any or it is simply signifying impending engine failure?

    Is floor damage (running over kerbs) modeled in AMS2? If not, is it in the plans?

    Thank you.
  8. Matt The Sim Racers Arms

    Matt The Sim Racers Arms Active Member AMS2 Club Member

    Nov 20, 2021
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    Although it's not as bad as it once was, will you be revisiting the 'magnetic' side by side (when 80%-100% car side to car side) contact that effectively 'holds' cars together after side on side contact for just a little too long (clearly just saloon cars not open wheelers)? This happens in single player and MP.
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  9. Chillblast

    Chillblast Active Member AMS2 Club Member

    Mar 29, 2020
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    When it comes to programming and refining the physics of the cars in ams2 what do you use for reference? For example, how do you determine what the differences are between the LMDH cars?

    Another question for you, which sim would you say has the best implementation of real life physics? Not including the AMS titles lol
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