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Automobilista 2 Custom Force Feedback - Overview & Recommendations

Discussion in 'Automobilista 2 - General Discussion' started by Karsten Hvidberg, May 30, 2020.

  1. newtonpg

    newtonpg Active Member AMS2 Club Member

    Dec 29, 2018
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    Take a look at his signature, please;
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  2. Stakanov

    Stakanov Well-Known Member AMS2 Club Member

    Feb 7, 2020
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  3. Grip4x4

    Grip4x4 New Member

    Oct 15, 2024
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    I hope I'm not bothering you, Mr. @Stakanov, I have doubts about the "dirt management" topic mentioned a few posts ago. I understood that the file containing the code for its management is the 4th ATMOS, the one in the Immersive or Default+ version to be clear.

    This file is wonderful and all the aspects are well transported to the steering wheel, but frankly on the topic of dirt I can't identify the sensations or the noise when offline.
    If it's not too much trouble could you explain me how it works? Or why I don't feel it? Am I doing something wrong?
    Last edited: Nov 15, 2024
  4. Stakanov

    Stakanov Well-Known Member AMS2 Club Member

    Feb 7, 2020
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    The topic of dirt/noise or better, let's call it what it is called that is, the "noise of the ideal off-line track", must be mixed with the road texture and its noise during rolling, all characteristics that put together define an important aspect of the track (obviously we ignore the bumps, the curbs, and everything else).

    On the rFuktor side we have the texture code and the code related to the road rolling, but we do not have the off-line noise code.

    On the Reiza side, we do not have the basic rack codes (because they are secret), but we only have the recall code for the operation of the off-line noise, which is contained in the Default+ or Immersive profile and which I implemented in the ATMOS.

    These are the current Reiza rules that we know.....

    RECORD track default track
    name "track_default"
    track_road_noise 1.0
    track_offline_noise 0.0

    TEMPLATE oval track track
    track_road_noise 1.0
    track_offline_noise 1.0

    TEMPLATE dirt track smooth track
    track_road_noise 2.0
    track_offline_noise 0.0

    TEMPLATE dirt track rough track
    track_road_noise 0.5
    track_offline_noise 0.0

    So, ignoring the textures, I connected the variable "track_road_noise" to the road rolling code of the rFuktor and, that as you can see, the Reiza value varies from 2.0 in smooth tracks to 0.5 in rough tracks, that is, it is more noticeable in flat tracks and less noticeable in rough tracks (more present of bumps and textures), so it is easy to understand that the effect of the rFuktor is doubled or halved, while it is original, as the rFuktor establishes because it is equal to 1.0 or better multiplied by 1 in all standard tracks.
    I must be complete, there is also another variable that is specific to each individual car and this is the variable "vehicle_road_feel" or "vehicle_roadnoise" which is also 1.0 by default but varies from car to car depending on the Reiza settings, for example we have less noisy cars with a value of 0.7 and noisier cars with a value of for example 0.9 up to a maximum of 1.00 or if you want even more, in short a multiplier nothing more.

    Finally we come to your question, that is why you do not notice the effect of dirt/noise out of line.
    As you can see and guess from the Reiza settings, the effect is present only in the circuits defined by Reiza as Ovals and has a value of 1.0, that is, the effect is activated, when we are not on the ovals the effect is deactivated, because the value is 0. So you are right not to notice it in all the tracks that are not ovals and so it is.
    Here too I have to be complete, the effect is expected up to a certain speed, beyond which the effect goes off because it is empirically demonstrated that the different level of noise off-line inside a car disappears as the speed increases!!!

    I hope I have been exhaustive. :)
    Last edited: Nov 16, 2024
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  5. Grip4x4

    Grip4x4 New Member

    Oct 15, 2024
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    Wow that's really enlightening ;), thank goodness I asked, because in a week I'd have burned through at least 100 sets of tires in Kansai in search of the sensation, skidding like crazy and overtaking off-line, who knows how long I would have continued in vain. :D
    • Funny Funny x 1
  6. Stakanov

    Stakanov Well-Known Member AMS2 Club Member

    Feb 7, 2020
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    Good evening everyone, continuing to patiently wait for the game update to version 1.6.x, I spent some time (it's not true, it was a lot) to carry out long tests both on the official version of the game and on the beta currently in development.
    I took this time available as an opportunity to deepen my knowledge of the various MOD cars present on the net and to also try some unofficial circuits exclusively on the official version of the game (on the beta it made no sense to do so if then everyone will update the same MOD cars).

    The tests also helped me to resolve some response anomalies given by some MOD cars and reported here by some users in past posts (and others privately), who reported anomalous behaviors on some MOD CARS especially at low speed but also other small nuances. I managed, especially thanks to their feedback, to identify settings that eliminate (or completely mitigate) the reported anomalies, so I can only thank them warmly.

    I also made a further development step to ATMOS, managing to implement a further feature, that of the "center tightening" that is added and goes well with the "center full" of the original rFuktor by Karsten (I specify that it has nothing to do with the output tightening placed at the end of the ffb file), so now this aspect is also inserted in the rFuktor and tuned in Reiza key, therefore each car will have this well defined aspect. As usual in the Old_D_raw it is calculated in a fixed way and only the physics of the car will define the center, while in the NDef_Imm in addition to the physics there will also be the specific FFB voice that will differentiate it car by car.
    Finally I implemented some other lines of code of the Default and Default+ profiles and above all I moved the Yaw (which previously occurred springed together with the rack_momentum) to the end, after the spring (therefore without spring) and only added subsequently to the rack momentum together with the new center tightening voice.
    The final result on the output is now more predictable and above all even more aligned with the Reiza logic. Reminding everyone that the file uses the Reiza profiles but is calculated in all respects in rFuktor key extended to all 4 wheels.

    Soon the 1.6.1 files .... time to clean up the text files.
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  7. Stakanov

    Stakanov Well-Known Member AMS2 Club Member

    Feb 7, 2020
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    ATMOS 1.6.1 Base
    (Original rFuctor 5.0.1/ with some adaptation and with code extended to all 4 wheels both in the rack and in the effects)

    ATMOS 1.6.1 BaseEVO
    (Atmos Base as above - Relax OS_US_YAW functions + the little implementations of other Reiza's base code and variables)

    ATMOS 1.6.1 BaseEVO + Partial Old_D_raw
    (Atmos BaseEVO as above + the implementation partial of the profile Default of Reiza's also called "Old_D_raw")

    ATMOS 1.6.1 BaseEVO + Partial NDef_imm
    (Atmos BaseEVO as above + the implementation partial of the profile Default+ of Reiza's also called "NDef_imm")

    It is obvious that the last 2 files should be considered the most informative for ALL, both for DD and for the MEDIUM-LOW BAND, but even the BASE files could be the most substantial on very old and very weak steering wheels.

    As explained above in the previous post, the changes only concern the code and therefore the tuning has not been touched (as far as possible) (just a couple of items), so if you have changed the values to your liking in previous versions of the file, you can safely overwrite the settings.
    For newbies to the file, I recommend initially not to tinker and to dedicate a lot of time to the game, first dedicating a lot of time to finding the right values of the sliders in the game settings.

    All 4 files are tested with:
    Original Game AMS2
    Last Beta Game AMS2 1.6.x
    Last MOD 4OnTheFloor (RacerXtc)
    Last MOD Xela1 & Wolf
    Last MOD Thunderflash
    Last MOD Project Cars Modding Team
    Last MOD IndyCar_2023 2.2 (KAOS)
    Last edited: Nov 17, 2024
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  8. GTManSC2

    GTManSC2 New Member

    May 8, 2024
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    Thank you so much for this further update, I can't wait to try it, but I think I'll try it tomorrow, if I can get sleep now! :D

    When you can and if I'm not intrusive, I can ask you after the tests you've done what you think of the MODs in circulation... ?
    Last edited: Nov 17, 2024
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  9. Stakanov

    Stakanov Well-Known Member AMS2 Club Member

    Feb 7, 2020
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    They are all exceptional works, some in quality, others in quantity, some are excellent on both fronts and others instead would need a bit of updating.
    I don't know the efforts that these good guys apply to publish their work for free or for offers and therefore I don't have the ability to evaluate their technical work done, but I can only highlight what my personal tastes were in the FFB tests carried out on these MODs ... I am therefore referring mainly to my personal sensations received in the tests and secondarily to the graphic aspect (nothing more).

    For me the most successful MODs that almost seem like a Reiza product, both in the ffb and in the appearance are those of 4OnTheFloor (RacerXtc) and those of Xela1 & Wolf ... a wonderful well structured work.

    I also find the MODs of Thunderflash and Project Cars Modding Team very pleasant in the differentiation and quantity of offer, the first has a lot of automotive content but some cars should be improved in the output and sometimes they release a correct but too simple and poorly structured ffb, the second in addition to its own decently represented cars has the great advantage of proposing many alternative tracks present in PC2 and therefore is a story in itself, this remains an advantage regardless.

    The Indycars 2023 is a beautiful project that should be updated just a little in sliding especially in sliding during a sharp braking in a light or heavy curve.

    I did the tests by switching all the FFB Reiza profiles and not only using mine and I had the same sensitive and emotional response.

    It remains to be considered that the Reiza offer has now become truly vast in content and in forecast it shows no signs of decreasing, with excellent quality, so if the mods will not be of increasingly higher quality I do not see the future need, but if the excellent work continues then it can be a nice surplus.

    It was a pleasant journey through the MODs that I recommend doing and if you can offer a coffee to the guys, they deserve it.
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  10. Boci

    Boci New Member

    Nov 18, 2024
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    Just a quick question, should i use Damper settings in the Fanatec menu, or just use it in-game ?
    im using a CSW V2 :)
  11. Stakanov

    Stakanov Well-Known Member AMS2 Club Member

    Feb 7, 2020
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    If I'm not mistaken we are on a power range between 6 and 8 Nm ...

    If I used the BASE I would set a Gain between 65-75 in the game, a relatively low LFB or even equal to 0 if it disturbs, an FX to taste between 25-35 maybe a little more if you like it spiced up, and a very low damping or to taste without using the Fanatec DPR.

    But if instead you use the last two ATMOS files based on the Old_D-raw or on the NDef_Imm I would risk in the game a few more steps both on the LFB (and maybe a little less gain) and more the Damping above all, as there are some code instructions that are mobile and that automatically reduce the damping during for example the slides and increase it in other cases, so in these cases it could help.

    But I don't like to give precise numbers that are subjective and personal, I have at the top of the file indicated some ranges on the basis of which you can experiment with what you like and how you want, the file works in a similar way to the Reiza logic but has completely different sensations in a rFuktor key ... feel free to adjust as you like, the only thing to avoid is crazy oscillation and the clipping, the rest is a matter of taste, find your taste that you never go wrong,
    Last edited: Nov 18, 2024
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  12. Boci

    Boci New Member

    Nov 18, 2024
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    Im using the Partial Ndef file with:
    Gain 75
    FX: 21 (if i set higher, i get clipping even on 70 gain)
    Damping: 5 in game
    A little clipping...but nothing serious...Tested on Virginia International full track with GTE class...somehow if i set the damper to higher, i get more Clipping :D
  13. Stakanov

    Stakanov Well-Known Member AMS2 Club Member

    Feb 7, 2020
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    Reduce a little the LFB and only if necessary the Gain but you are near the right value … test more cars and track … good luck!!!
    Last edited: Nov 18, 2024
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  14. Joaquim Pereira

    Joaquim Pereira Well-Known Member

    Dec 31, 2021
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    What's new:
    • Back to basics, some small changes, some bugs fixes, to achieve a stronger FFB overall
    • (please, read the notes - very important to achieve more pleasure and less pain...)
    Still to improve/implement:
    • (no roadmap)
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  15. GoGoGadgetArms

    GoGoGadgetArms New Member

    Jul 1, 2024
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    Hey Daniel,
    I am using the v6000 Belt file and would like to say again, thank you for sharing this. It gives me the sensation of turning a heavy wheel with rubber on the asphalt etc. Of course its not perfect, but its the only FFB file that gives me the sensation of turning heavy rubber wheels on asphalt with resistance and force.

    I am using a CSWv2 and noticed that you recommend the SPR/DPR are set to OFF however, on Fanatecs site they recommend them ON?

    Is there a reason why they should be turned off when using the custom file. Also the V2 (not V2.5) does not have the "-" DRi modes (it only has DRI 1/2/3/4/5) and in the file you recommend Dri 0 or -1 what would this equate to on a CSWv2 which does not have the -1... options?

    Again, thanks again as i can honestly say, this file immersies me like no other, i have tried them all (thanks to the guy who packed them in a post and added jsgme) but your file is the ONLY one that gives me the realsitic heavy feeling of rubber on asphalt when turning my CSWv2 and its a total game changer, it takes it from feeling childlike, to feeling much more immersive.

    Also i ordered a CSDD 12nm and a CSDD+ 15nm (as i will return the one i dont llike) would you consider adding recomendations for these bases in the v6000 DD etc moving forward.

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  16. Danielkart

    Danielkart Well-Known Member

    Jun 25, 2021
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    Hello! Thanks for your feedback. To your questions. SPR and DPR are not supported and you can set it to 100% or 0% it does the same thing in Ams2. You're right about "DRI", with the V2 Base it only goes from 1 to 5. Thanks, I'll correct it, just test which value works best for you. I don't have the new bases from Fanatec in my program, but many base settings have the same effect, only the descriptions vary and are different. In addition, these new bases have full force technology, which must first be supported by the game manufacturers. If you buy a new base, you are welcome to send me your settings with a personal message. Maybe I can help you and record the settings in a file later;)
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  17. john Ellis

    john Ellis The Rectifier of Names AMS2 Club Member

    Mar 18, 2020
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    Last edited: Nov 20, 2024
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  18. Boci

    Boci New Member

    Nov 18, 2024
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    I have the same base (V2) , 1 is same as -1 DRI on newer Fanatec bases :)
    i'm usind 1 DRI, and its cool, not too stiff, but not jerky at all
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  19. KwaziPigInnit

    KwaziPigInnit New Member

    Aug 13, 2023
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    Joaquim Pereira & Stakanov
    Only had a quick blast, I will do more at weekend.
    Both great for different reasons, now to find which I like Best.

    Or how to combine both into one awesome file to My liking.
  20. Stakanov

    Stakanov Well-Known Member AMS2 Club Member

    Feb 7, 2020
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    @KwaziPigInnit it would be nice but unfortunately it is not possible to completely combine the 2 files together as you like, as they are coded on two different bases and approaches (nuscorpi & karsten) ... yes some parts, some features and/or some effects could be transported from one file to the other, but in the end they would always remain two different entities ... but I consider this a good thing because it increases the variety of alternatives available and also, having with @Joaquim Pereira a development on the files based on the nuscorpi project, can only more please the users regardless of what they will use in the end which remains personal and subjective ... use what makes you more happy, it doesn't matter who it will be. ;)
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