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Automobilista 2 V1.5.5.0, Le Mans & Endurance Pack Pt1 RELEASED - Now Updated to V1.5.5.6

Discussion in 'Automobilista 2 - News & Announcements' started by Renato Simioni, Dec 31, 2023.

  1. spikerjack

    spikerjack Member

    Mar 30, 2018
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    A pretty informative video about the slidiness that someone complain about in AMS2. This is the top split pole lap for the Daytona 24 iRacing, the driver just slide the car all over the place.
    • Informative Informative x 3
  2. Tarmac Terrorist

    Tarmac Terrorist Well-Known Member AMS2 Club Member

    Apr 16, 2020
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    No frustration at all mate, mereley just replying to a suggestion and stating my findings as it was part of the topic being disscussed, in fact I think I might have already reported on this both in Beta thread and AI performance. I know everything is in flux atm moment, as you yourself explained somewhere else, after so many tire tread adjustments, many of the the different class'es A.I. will need to be re-calibrated again to account for these.

    For instance I was very pleased many builds ago that F-USA Gens 1 - 3 were very slow even at 120 skill at ovals, then you calibrated them and I could have a great challenging race with them at just 100%, it was great, but just yesterday I tryed them at Fontana to find that at 120% I can get to the front of the pack very quickley again. But im not worried or frustrated about it, I know its just down to recent physics adjustments and they will get recalibrated, as I've already seen you successfully do that, I even made a video of it at Indianapolis as the racing was so good.

    Never the less I will make a report about all of this in that thread but it will have to be later today as I've gotta go out for a recording session right now, and it takes a good chunk of time to set up a 60 minute race to find out if the A.I. tire wear problem is still persisting (as last time I tried it it was a few builds ago, so I wanna make sure im not reporting on something that may have been fixed).

    I'm happy to help, and I know you guys listen cause I've litterally seen the team fix things I and other have reported on about two weeks after the reports have been made. I do understand with the constant developement, one adjustment here can put something else out of joint there.

    Will do some testing and report back once im done with this session. Sorry if this sounds like a rushed reply btw, just pushed for time atm. Cheers!
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  3. Renato Simioni

    Renato Simioni Administrator Staff Member

    Feb 14, 2016
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    Yup I´m happy to say you don´t sse to be of the easily frustrated type Tarmac :) More as a general note regarding AI comments as it´s not unusual for users to comment about the AI freshly oout of running into some trouble and understandably so as no-one enjoys dedicating anywhere from 30 to 90min of their time to do an offline race only to have it spoiled by some AI silliness - I know I don´t, which is why we´re constantly pushing to iron the wrinkles as we spot them. AMS2 AI is a specially broad piece of cloth tho so ironing is in constant demand and it can be hard to see where all the wrinkles are at any given time, if users add a little more info to their comments (be them chilled or frustrated) they will give us invaluable pointers we can then use to do a better job of smoothing them out :)

    It must be on the AI discrepancy report thread tho as it´s the only thread streamlined of any discussion, not this release or the beta thread now even the other AI report topic is that too bloated with discussion and unspecific reporting which makes easy to miss the pertinent ones. Keep it going here and there´s zero chance I´ll miss it - I´ve added an amendment to the OP post to clarify reports on tire wear discrepancies are also welcome.
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  4. Dicra

    Dicra Local Gamepad Ambassador AMS2 Club Member

    May 1, 2020
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    If the other thread is considered too bloated, where would be the spot to suggest tracks for AI line redos?

    There are several very popular tracks with global issues across all classes that I've partly already unsuccessfully tried to report in the other thread, it would be nice to know whether these "global" things should also go into the performance discrepancy one.
  5. Marc Collins

    Marc Collins Internal Tester AMS2 Club Member

    Mar 12, 2016
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    It's related to the AI on those tracks, so yes, same thread.
  6. mmertens

    mmertens Old school racer

    Sep 19, 2022
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    Yes, what it would be great is to have dedicated slider for kerbs sound only, where you can increase the sound effect on when you run over the kerbs without needing to change tarmac noise settings. That would be great for immersion, as currently the kerbs noise it’s too subdued in my view.
  7. Renato Simioni

    Renato Simioni Administrator Staff Member

    Feb 14, 2016
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    So I see the source of obvious confusion here and it is of my own making, as we still had the old AI Offical Report Topic as a sticky, which has now been more appropriately renamed as general AI Comments thread parallel to the newer AI Discrepancy Report thread - the latter thread is a lot easier to extract pertinent reports form as it doesn´t allow for discussion, I´ve honeslty not been keeping up with the old thread for a long while now as it´s just too saturated with general chattery to keep track of so if you have made a still-pertinent report there please feel free to copy & paste it to the new thread.

    So to recap, when looking to provide AI feedback this is how you should ideally proceed:

    Reports about AI performance discrepancies that are not track-specific, be it overall lap times in dry and / or wet (including slicks on wets and wets on dry as both variations for intermediates and extremes with classes that have those compounds), traction out of corners, braking into corners, straightline speed as well as launching from a standing start (dry and wet) - please report in the AI performance discrepancy report thread , observing the instructions in the OP.

    Reports about AI performance discrepancies that are track-specific, be it overall lap times or specific corners / sections of a track - please comment on the AI track line redo thread.

    For general AI comments that doesn´t pertain one or the other thread above or are general behavior comments, please comment on the now-appropriately titled AI general comments & discussion thread.

    How to tell if the performance issue is primarily AI car physics or track-related:
    Always compare against the designated benchmarking cars (Stock V8 2023 and / or F-Ultimate Gen2) and track (Barcelona GP 2023); if the discrepancy is noted in certain tracks but not at Barcelona with any given car, it´s most likely a track issue so comment on the track AI line redo thread; if the discrepancy is noted with certain cars but not with F-Ultimate Gen2 or Stock V8 2023 in any given track, it´s most likely an AI car physics calibration issue so comment on the general AI performance discrepancies thread.

    Hope this makes things a bit a less confusing, happy to clarify further if not :)
    • Informative Informative x 15
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  8. Scraper

    Scraper Well-Known Member AMS2 Club Member

    Aug 9, 2016
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    Judging by some of the simracing videos I've seen, we could do with a "player line redo thread". ;) I wonder if the AI get together in the drivers' bar after a race and complain about players who dive to the inside at too great a speed and track out wide on corner exit, thus nudging the AI onto the grass while complaining that they've been hit. :whistle:
    • Funny Funny x 10
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  9. fireballr18

    fireballr18 Well-Known Member AMS2 Club Member

    Apr 1, 2019
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    From time to time I select a specific track and run one car after another for a couple of laps to test their performances, their driving dynamics etc.. can really do this for many hours and it's huge fun.

    Did so today at Montreal 91 like I've done Nov last. In general I have been almost with all cars quicker than in V1.5.3. Sometimes up to 2s, most of the time at least 1s. As I want to exclude being very capable of learning anymore :), I believe this is mainly due to the tire adjustments and to have a better understanding how to react in a proper way on the behaviour of the cars.
    Last edited: Feb 8, 2024
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  10. wegreenall

    wegreenall Active Member

    Oct 25, 2023
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    Such sim racing drivers will be the first to go after we hit the AI singularity (probably about April time the way things are going)
    • Funny Funny x 4
  11. Xenix74

    Xenix74 Active Member

    Jun 27, 2022
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    The AI singularity will come when we have a real AI like chatGPT. When the AI starts learning strategies from the player, everyone gets what they want... ....or not.

    Some are probably involuntarily demoted to lawnmowers.:rolleyes:
  12. DavidGossett

    DavidGossett Well-Known Member AMS2 Club Member

    Mar 30, 2020
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    A couple leagues I run with have been using the Formula Reiza lately and I have a few thoughts. This car feels like it needs either a default setup tweak or another pass on the physics. I know this car was from the blown diffuser era, but the rear downforce feels like it's not working. I'm not normally one who needs an understeery car, but I find every time I drive this car I'm having to add loads of rear wing. Mid corner and exit of medium speed corners, the rear feels like it suddenly loses grip. Would this be a similar quirk to the Brabham "fan car" due to needing higher revs to keep the blown diffuser working?
  13. BrunoB

    BrunoB TT mode tifosi BANNED

    Jun 13, 2020
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    Dont listen to him Simioni.:mad:
    At least not conserning the F-Reiza. That marvel drives terrific as it is now.
    Maybe the wacuum cleaner could need a helping dev hand. That would be ok. But absolutely not the F-Reiza. Please.;)
    • Funny Funny x 2
  14. DavidGossett

    DavidGossett Well-Known Member AMS2 Club Member

    Mar 30, 2020
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    Well, you're free to like it as it is, but it feels the worst out of the current "modern" formula IMHO. There's several high speed corners where I feel like it should have enough grip to be full throttle that I find the rear wants to come loose. The last corner of the Indy Road Course is a good example, where the FFB is telling me the CoP is shifting towards the front. It could just be a default setup issue, which you shouldn't care about given your previous stance on that "discussion." :rolleyes:

    I feel more confident with older, less sophisticated formulas with more power than with this car. I'm fine with oversteery cars with sensitive aero. The F309 is a good example, but at least with that car, unless you hit a bump and stall the diffuser, it's predictable in when/where it grips up. With the 2012 car, it feels like the rears have more grip on corner entry when unloaded than it does mid corner or on exit when the weight should be shifting to the rear.
    • Agree Agree x 1
    • Funny Funny x 1
  15. skilewis74

    skilewis74 New Member

    Jul 21, 2023
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    Of the top sims I've tried (RF2, R3E, AMS, & AMS2), RF2 seemed to have the most realistic AI, but I like the AI in R3E the best. I'm still relatively early in my sim racing journey (got my first wheel in 2000, but only actively trying to not hit other cars for ~2 yrs) but I still can't drive a race pushing as hard as I want w/o a high probability of damage perhaps I could get more feedback by upgrading my T300 to a DD, getting haptic feedback, etc? I think w/ more feedback I could drive at the pace I want & be able to tell better when I'm about to step over the edge, but my budget is ridiculously small)
  16. Eduardo Santis Torres

    Eduardo Santis Torres Member

    Aug 2, 2023
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    Forgive me for getting out of the conversation. But why don't they add more liveries to Lotus 23? It is a very fun car to drive, as well as beautiful, but with 4 green liveries, it becomes boring to look at.
    Lotus 23.jpg
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  17. TomLehockySVK

    TomLehockySVK Well-Known Member

    Aug 7, 2022
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    Not for this thread but this should at least somewhat help you with that .
    Lotus 23 - Various Liveries
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  18. Eduardo Santis Torres

    Eduardo Santis Torres Member

    Aug 2, 2023
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    Thanks, I'm using it, it would still be good if the developers created more liveries for these car, so that there aren't just 4 running with the same color. :D
    • Agree Agree x 1
  19. BrunoB

    BrunoB TT mode tifosi BANNED

    Jun 13, 2020
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    If you by that does mean that Im able to cook my setups myself, so I dont have to moan that the default setups are so baad. Then I agree.:p
    And furthermore does my positions on the LBs prove that I have absolutely no problem catching the rear if it does try to step out. Like the rear of a racing car often does in RL.
    Such catching is part of the challenge to use a sim instead of an arcade game.:p
    Hehe and your funny red highlighting seems to suggest that you also have problems with my ability to not use default setups.:whistle:
    Strange because to the contrary of you I have no problems with grip.
    And I dont even use an advanced FFB wheel because of my disabled legs problem.:whistle:

    ByTheWay: Simioni I repeat: Dont change something in the F-Reiza just because one or two persons are unable to control this marvel. We are some more skilled who love it ;)
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  20. sgsfabiano

    sgsfabiano Well-Known Member AMS2 Club Member

    Oct 28, 2019
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    I also don't understand why AMS2 is so limited on liveries.

    Can I say "Madness Engine limitation" now?
    • Agree Agree x 1

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